The people in our federal and state governments do the wrong things and all of us suffer the consequences of this because they lack intellectual or commonsense sensitivity, independent interrogation and intellectualisation of ideas and practices, independent decision, nationalistic and patriotic action. Another reason why they err and we suffer the consequences of their error is that they lack the sense of and commitment to competition with the USA, the European and Asian governments—the first and the European Union primarily—with the aim of excelling and becoming a world leader, in international politics, economic, science, technology and matters of development. Rather than compete with them, they take and use whatever they give, suggest, recommend or advise. They even accept monitoring of their use of what they take and regulation by them.

In order to defend these assertions it is noted that Nigeria has not contributed to the cause of climate change—based on the declared cause of it vis-a-vis Nigeria’s contribution to it—and, therefore, our federal government should form a great and formidable force with the rest of the governments of Africa, including the government of South Africa, although its contribution is greater, to make the countries that are responsible for the cause of it to do what is necessary and recommended in the Kyoto Protocol for its redress. But it is complying with the strategies by the countries for pushing the duty that belongs to them to the developing countries. These include adaptation, sinking sequestration and carbon trade.

The federal governments, National Adaptation Strategy and Plan of Action on Climate Change for Nigeria (NASPA-CCN) has the implementation of these as its aim, as read in this publication: “government will increase the adoption of global best practices on climate change, including the aspects of adaptation, mitigation and carbon credit”. This makes it a bad policy, being a dependence-deepening and extension, self-harming, self-disadvantaging and self-enslaving policy.

Push the causes of climate change back by making the governments of the countries responsible for them carry out Kyoto Protocol recommendations, NOT adapt, sink or sequestrate them, or accept money for taking them.