Hearing from one side of the divide only is absolutely not a good judgement. Besides, he rarely mentioned what the allegation(s) was/were while making a speech at the floor of the country’s parliament. Probably, the country’s spy chief must have been apprehended by one of the British law enforcement agencies based on act of espionage even after the said spy chief in question might have presented his credentials before the agency.

However, there is an urgent need for both countries to resolve amicably what I termed a ‘ mistaken identification crisis’ according to president Paul Kagame’s assertion. The British government should discontinue with whatever charges it is pressing against the Rwandan service echelon under its custody.

In the same vein, let the president of Rwanda also intensify more effort aimed at resolving the dispute instead of lambasting the UK government and brandishing all the western countries as ‘racists’. He shouldn’t escalate any tension that could lead to a severed relationship between his country and the UK.