“…Right now, there is a noticeable upsurge in
violent crimes reminiscent of political thugs deploying weapons initially intended
for electoral violence for other violent crimes. In fact, the situation could graduate into
utter anarchy judging by the historic or strategic relevance of the 2015
general elections which made many fear a corresponding armament for a probable post-election
Armageddon and God forbids, break-up of the country. Although spared that
nightmare, should we pretend that sinister plans were never afoot for a war of
attrition? If the answer is no, what then do we do about the weapons still in
the hands of political thugs across the country? Except all private militia across
the land are promptly identified and demobilized, Nigeria might soon return to
a state of nature where life is brutish and short…”(Nigeria and the Other Post-election Violence – Pointblanknews – 8th June 2015)