Saturday, 20th April 2024

Why You Should Consider Retail Therapy After A Breakup

There’s no denying the fact that splitting from someone you once told “I love you” to hurts, even when the breakup is for the best. But getting through the aftermath is the grueling part. Mending a broken heart requires a unique combination of time, distance, support, and—let's be real—retail therapy. It may sound indulgent, but…

There’s no denying the fact that splitting from someone you once told “I love you” to hurts, even when the breakup is for the best. But getting through the aftermath is the grueling part. Mending a broken heart requires a unique combination of time, distance, support, and—let’s be real—retail therapy.

It may sound indulgent, but think of it as self-care. There is even some subtle proof that a little splurge can help you to heal: a study published in Psychology & Marketing found that buying things has lasting positive benefits on mood. With this in mind, here are few things you should to focus on should you consider retail therapy.

Visit the mall!

There’s a huge chance that while you were busy loving, you paid more attention to how your partner looked or what trendy new fashion item will suit him or her, forgetting to also look good as well. Now that he/she is now in the past, it is time for a complete makeover. There’s a mystery to how happy buying new things lightens one’s sad mood. So, hop into that store and pick a thing two that will put a smile on your face and make you look sexy for your future boo to spot you.

Binge-watch something

If the only time you got to see a movie or series was when your [ex]partner made a selection, then your personal life must have been really boring. It is time to start doing things by yourself. Pick a day to go to the cinema, you can watch three movies in a day, use the cinema schedule to time when each one is showing. That’s not just fun, but also adventurous. Good thing is, you don’t owe anybody an explanation as to why you saw it without them.