Madam you’re not doing an accurate analysis of this issue. Let’s start from the last –

* The good news is that there are lots of good, masculine, emotionally available men out there who would love to be in a relationship with an awesome, feminine, and loving woman like you. And believe it or not, these guys are just as frustrated in trying to find a good woman as you are in trying to find a good man.
To our happiness. *

Good, loyal, emotionally available men are having a hard time finding love because women DON’T LIKE or RESPECT or LOVE such men. You know it and I know it.

I don’t have time to go into this thing now. Let me reduce it to short hand with bullet points and hope you can understand.

1. Women generally PREFER to marry sexually experienced men.

2. Men generally PREFER virgin brides or one with limited sexual experience.

3. Oxytocin is the hormone that promotes emotional attachment in humans.

4. Testosterone is the hormone that promotes libido in humans.

Women have more oxytocin and majorly secrete the hormone during sexual intercourse, labor and breastfeeding.

Men have many folds higher concentration of testosterone than women.

The above is the explanation for everything you’ve written in this article.
For example, you wrote

* When I was talking to her, all I could hear was her wanting her boyfriend back. I wasn’t shocked at all. It’s only normal. And when I asked her why she would want a man who was cheating on her, who admitted that he didn’t feel the same way, and who ended the relationship with her, her immediate response was “But I love him!” *

That’s the effect of oxytocin secreted during passionate sexual activity with her boyfriend. The effect doesn’t wear off even after marriage to another man.

Mothers also have this loyalty to their CHILDREN no matter what evils the children have done to her. It’s also a long term effect of oxytocin from labor or breastfeeding.

Now you know why men and generally most cultures place a high value on female virginity. In Nigeria it’s called Okafor’s Law.

So the REAL SOLUTION to all this is FEMALE VIRGINITY and chastity till marriage.

Women’s Liberation can’t overcome nature. You’re welcome to keep trying especially if it’s profitable. It’s good business and that’s something I admire.