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Fibroids and herbal remedies – Part 2

By Paul Joseph Nanna
23 August 2018   |   4:11 am
In considering the management of fibroids, food that human beings consume become very important. Fibroids, to a very large extent is a hormonal problem, it stands to reason that human nutrient...

High Angle View Of Woman Holding Hot Water Bag On Stomach

Diet and nutrition in the management of fibroids.
In considering the management of fibroids, food that human beings consume become very important. Fibroids, to a very large extent is a hormonal problem, it stands to reason that human nutrient intake will also play a role in its management. To avoid fibroid some types of foods will have to be avoided, while some that women do not usually consume will be introduced into their diet.

Women, especially those that are at a higher risk of developing fibroid will have to eliminate the following types of food from their Diet:

1. Foods that can easily cause inflammation. Certain types of food can lead to inflammation and such foods should be eliminated from the diet of those who need prevention or those who are already being managed for fibroid. Examples of such foods include, processed and preserved meat, unhealthy and animal fat. Other types of food that may increase inflammation are hamburgers, cured meat, non-organic sauges and bacon.

2. Dairy products. These products that come from farms and ranches where cows are injected with antibiotics and steroids are also loaded with steroids and such chemicals that can affect the balance of hormones. This will in turn encourage the growth of fibroids.

3. Refined carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates are products such as white flower, sweets, table sugar, white rice etc. that have passed through the process of refining to give an end-product closely related to glucose, the end-product of metabolism. Such products affect the immune system, increase hormonal imbalance, increase weight, cause an insulin spike and more pain. All these encourage the formation and development of fibroids. For prevention and treatment of fibroids, women should avoid things like white bread, cakes and all baked foods, pasta, cereals and sweets.

4. Alcohol. This causes a depression of the immune system, increased hormonal imbalance and widespread inflammation in the body. As we have already found out, these conditions are precursors of fibroid. In the absence of alcohol, therefore, and in an environment of more balanced hormones, it is possible to shrink the fibroid if it is already present. Simply put, a woman who does not want anything to do with fibroid, should avoid drinking alcohol.

5. Caffeine. This is a central nervous system stimulant that is consumed all over the world. Common sources of caffeine are coffee, tea (especially Black tea), cocoa beans and chocolate, hot chocolate drink and some energy drinks. When caffeine is too much, it could cause an increase in oeatrogen level which will in turn give rise to conditions such as fibroids.

Recommended foods you can eat
In this group are the following types of food:

A. Green leafy veggies. These vegetables are rich in vitamin K which is a known clotting agent that helps to control menstrual bleeding.

B. Cruciferous vegetables. Examples of cruciferous vegetables are cabbage, Chinese cabbage, brocolli, etc. Cruciferous vegetables help to detoxify the liver and also balance oestrogen levels in the blood. Consuming these vegetables in great amounts helps to reduce the prevalence of fibroids.

C. Organic foods. Majorly, women who want to prevent uterine fibroids should avoid foods from plants that have been planted with pesticides and other chemicals. They should concentrate on organic foods that are not treated with chemicals.

D. Beta-carotene. Vitamin A functions in the repair of damaged tissues and also promotes the growth of healthy tissues. Beta-carotene is one vitamin that is converted to vitamin A in the body. In the presence of vitamin A, tissues damaged by fibroids can be healed. Common sources of Beta-carotene are sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy vegetables, Red bell pepper, cantaloupe and peas.

E. Flaxseed. This is a good plant source of omega 3 fatty acid. One function of flaxseed is in aiding to balance oestrogen levels in the body. Low oestrogen levels also cause the fibroid to shrink in size.

F. Iron. One known complication of uterine fibroid is that the heavy bleeding that is associated with uterine fibroid can eventually lead to iron-deficiency anaemia.
Eating foods high in iron is sure to provide enough iron-replacement.

G. Drink filtered water or mineral water like Lasena Water.