PENGASSAN, or whatever or whichever union, is/are another brainless piece of the “failing state/system” building block in Nigeria.

Businesses are created for profit. Not charity.

If a business or enterprise is losing money, the only way it can continue to survive, live and hopefully recover is to cut expenses, sometimes drastically. A major expense in any business is staff.

So it is reasonable to expect that a business owner sets up business to last forever, which translates to make profit for most of its lifetime. A business therefore when faced with the difficulty of losing money, making no profit and needing life support, usually and inevitably ends up havding to cut staff.

But then, in Nigeria, unions generally think its up to the business to stay alive (hopefully making profit) by whatever means so long as no staff is retrenched. C’mon man!

In recessionary times, jobs must be cut. Its a no-brainer! Else there will eventually be no business, no company. How come no one ever bothers to or has ever bothered to explain this tounion members ad their leaders?