Why awards is important to a creative- Teen Star, ReedaahSky

Know Your Name teen star crooner, Faridah Olowu better known as Reedaah Sky of the opinion that awards and recognitions is important to a creative in any sector be it art, music, movie or tourism to give them a sense of appreciation that people value their work.

She said ‘Awards and recognition serves as validation of an artist’s hard work, dedication and talent which can in turn serve a significant boost in their respective career’.

However, she equally divulged that award should not then be a yardstick in measuring a creative success. For instance, the Grammy Awards, like any awards ceremony are subjective. The winners are determined by voting members of the recording academy and their decisions may not always reflect the tastes or preferences of the audience or other musicians. Therefore relying solely on Grammy win as a measure of success may not be full potential of an artist’s performance or influence in their community or around the globe.

When asked how prepared she is as a teen star; ReedaahSky open up that she is fully prepared for stardom and willing to learn from role models who are A-list artists.
