What to consider when choosing crèche

For every working mum out there, as the year kicks off and offices reopen, one key plan is ensuring that your baby is safe while you work and be at peace.
We know that sending your baby to crèche is a huge parenting milestone. Hence choosing the right centre can be overwhelming and challenging for any parent.

The fact that you will be leaving your child under the care of other people is more than enough to make you feel anxious. You should not be, because high-quality crèches provide a safe, engaging and friendly environment for young children.

If you want to make sure you are making the best choice, there are some important points to consider when choosing a crèche.

No matter how young your little one may be, it’s never too early to begin age-appropriate learning. When looking for day care, take time to learn each centre’s programme and curriculum.

Find out what lessons are being taught and if these lessons are age-appropriate. Ask what their goals are for teaching and if the programmes are tailored according to a child’s age and developmental stage. You will also want to make sure that there is ample time for play because play is essential to young children’s holistic growth. Also ask how you can get updates on your child’s developmental progress.

Know what the creche’s environment is like. Is it warm and welcoming? Also, make sure that the location is safe for young children. Find out if the crèche has safety and security procedures to protect the children. Are the buildings, classrooms, playground and outdoor areas safe for kids? Are there any safety hazards you should be worried about? Take time to take a look at these things when you are at the facility.

A good crèche should have a conducive environment for learning. Be sure to pick a daycare with clean and sanitary buildings and classrooms. Check their toys and learning materials to make sure they are safe and child-friendly. It will be a lot easier to select a learning environment that can bring out the best in your child.

The teachers and staff in the daycare should also be assessed during your visit. Be sure to learn more about the teachers’ educational background and experience when it comes to working with kids.

Find out if they have been trained and certified in first aid, CPR and infection control. Also don’t forget to pay attention to how the staff and teachers interact with the children. Observe if they have an engaging interaction and if the children respond well to their teacher. Also notice their actions, body language and the words they use in communicating with kids.

A good way to find out if a crèche is an excellent choice is by speaking to other parents. Ask other parents or even your family and friends for their personal recommendation. Ask them what they think of a particular crèche and if there are other options they can recommend. Check out for parent reviews and pay close attention to any red flags.

First impression matters; never ignore your gut instinct when choosing a crèche. First impressions are important. When you feel like something is not right, and then something probably isn’t.

Picking the right crèche may not be easy feat, but this guide will be most helpful, ensuring that your child’s wellbeing and welfare is their priority.


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