Walking in the light – Part 14


Every Christian is called to walk in the Light — to live in fellowship with the Saviour. Jesus did not save us to merely get us into Heaven; He saved us to get Heaven into us. He wants us to walk in fellowship with Him because we are earthly children of our Heavenly Father. Once saved, we have His nature in us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

He desires not only a relationship with us,but a familial fellowship with us. There is a difference between a relationship and fellowship. In relationship for example, a son has a relationship with his father because he is related to his father by birth, blood and family history. Here there is just a relational relationship because in some cases, the son is not close to the father, but fellowship is based on proximity to another. Likewise, it is possible for a Christian to be out of fellowship with God while still being in relationship to Him through salvation.

All believers in Christ have a relationship with the Lord through redemption, but not all believers are in full fellowship with God. Some believers after being saved and at one time had sweet and strongfellowship, but the lure of the world came in and damaged the close, intimate and loving fellowship with Christ. The relationship remains, since it is kept by the love and power of God, but the fellowship is missing due to the Christian not remaining close to Christ. God is light is the basis of our fellowship with God. This does not say that God is a light, but that God is light. To have fellowship with Him, we must walk in the light. God desires that we have deeper and closer fellowship with Him in our daily Christian life. Light is a symbol of righteousness, purity, holiness and right living. God wants us to radiate these holy virtues in our daily walk with Him.

Timothy 6:16 tells us that God dwells in unapproachable light. Physically, light speaks of the Glory of God; intellectually, light speaks of God’s knowledge and morally. Light speaks of the Purity of God. There is a double negative in this biblical text we are considering.

One is that God is light and the other is that in God there is no darkness at all. The Bible passage reads in the Greek, the language in which the original text was written: “In Him is light and in Him there is ‘not no darkness at all.”

It is a way of saying that no darkness, absolutely no darkness — not a scintilla or an iota of darkness. No darkness dwells in God. To walk in true fellowship with God, we must love the light (the good, the truth and the holy) and hate evil (sin, the darkness).

You and I are to walk in the light because God’s blessings exist in the light. We are to live a holy and good life because to do otherwise is to step out of the territory that is blessed by God. Morally, intellectually, and practically we are to remain on the ground of light where the blessing of the Lord dwells. We need to maintain a close fellowship with Jesus and live our lives within the boundaries of God’s word. Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts. To have fellowship with God, we must walk in holiness, we are to live and walk in the light as He is in the light.
• Today’s nugget: Blessings exist in the Light.Prayer: Lord help me to live and walk in the light.
• Prayer lines: 08033299824.E-mail: amadiabelukachi@gmail.com
Rev. (Dr.) Abel UkachiAmadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria


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