Union appoints Kiawa acting general secretary

[FILES] An health worker (Photo by OLGA MALTSEVA / AFP)
The central working committee of the Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) has ratified the appointment of Auwolu Kiawa as the Acting General Secretary.
Until his appointment, which is for six months in the first instance, Kiawa was the Kano State secretary of MHWUN and Northwest zonal secretary.
The union also passed a vote of confidence on its National President, Biobelemoye Josiah, and approved his remaining term in office till 2023 when his term will be over following his selection as the first-class King of Opu-Nembe, Bayelsa State.
At a brief ceremony in Abuja, Josiah, together with some executives, presented Kiawa to members of staff at the MHWUN headquarters.
King Biobelemoye urged staff not to hoard information from the incoming acting Secretary-General, to enable him to understand the workings of his new office.
The trade unionist-turned traditional ruler reminded the administrative staff to render the same support extended to late Silas Adamu to the new Acting Secretary-General, to enable him to perform his duties optimally.
Biobelemoye recalled the relentless commitment of the Late MHWUN Secretary-General, Silas Adamu and charged the new Acting Secretary-General to ensure bureaucracy is seamless in memory of his predecessor.
In his response, the new Acting Secretary-General, Auwolu Kiawa appreciated the support and role of his zone the North-west in his appointment and promised to uphold the dignity of his new office.
Kiawah said although he is not new to the challenges of his new responsibilities, called for support from the staff of MHWU headquarters and states in his North-west zone states not to fail in his new task as well as the confidence reposed in him.
Auwolu Kiawa’s appointment follows the sudden demise of MHWUN Secretary-General, Silas Adamu, in a ghastly auto crash along Abuja- Kaduna expressway, on March 8, 2021
Late Silas Adamu died along with his wife and daughter.


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