Try Patience And Prayer

AgbaraotorAnd these are the generations of Isaac, Abraham’s son: Abraham begat Isaac: And Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Syrian of Padan–Aram, the sister to Laban the Syrian. And Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was entreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived,’ Gen. 25v19-21.

SOMETIMES, events around us may be sluggish and refuse to connect. To our chagrin, it may drive us to emotional outbursts, impatience, skipping prayers and conflict among others. At this stage of affairs, a child of God should watch it, lest he or she derails from faith. 

  Isaac, the son of Abraham found himself once in a situation that could have made him over-react. At the loss of his mother Sarah, Rebekah came in as God’s gift to him as a wife. Rebekah was the daughter of Bethuel, the Syrian from Padan Aram the sister of Laban. Earlier, she was presented to us as a caregiver, a woman whose other name could be called ‘kindness.’ She had shown kindness to Abimelech, Abraham’s servant by giving him water to drink and extending same to his camels. She was not aware that Abimelech was in a search of a wife for Isaac, his master’s son. Her kind gesture endeared her to Abimelech and subsequently her bride price was paid and she became Isaac’s wife.

  However, Rebekah’s coming into Isaac’s household became a thing of joy. She was, in a manner of speaking, a rare commodity and at the same time very attractive. Her husband loved her so much. No wonder, in the Anglican order for set prayers during Holy Matrimony, a prayer is couched thus: ‘as Isaac loved Rebekah, so shall a man love his wife…’

  But the Bible noted of Isaac that he married Rebekah at the age of forty and he stayed with her for another twenty years without a child. The Bible did not mince word, when it observed that Rebekah was barren and so could not bring forth a child at that material time. 

  I think we should appreciate Isaac, whose patience did not run out although the wife was barren. Rather than lose his calm, complain, murmur or pick quarrels, as most men would do today, he simply prayed (entreated) the Lord on behalf of his wife. This should serve as a lesson to some impatient married men, who may easily seek divorce or rush to add more wives instead of waiting on the Lord. God is always near; the duty of the believer is to call upon Him in prayer.

  It is not a surprise, as the Bible is replete with some barren women: Sarah, Rachel, Leah and Elizabeth among others. But on the day of God’s intervention all had their babies. This year, God of intervention will visit somebody. Amen! You that will be visited no doubt will sing, dance and celebrate. More importantly too, the Lord has determined this year to give us double portion. Through the prayer of Isaac, two nations were fighting for attention in the womb of Rebekah his wife (Esau and Jacob).

  It is prophetic under God, His children would witness double portion in their places of work, business, academics, even in politics for those of them who are righteously playing according to the rules of the game. Therefore, child of God, what you need to do simply is: ‘be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’ Philp 4v6-7.

  May we encourage ourselves to go about our work assured and with great confidence of God’s visitation and double portion unto us. But remember, we need to try patience and prayer. Yes, God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. Cheer up then and do not stumble!

Ven. Ernest Onuoha

Rector, Ibru International Ecumenical Centre,

Agbarha-Otor, Delta State.

