Troops kill bandit leader Dangote, dislodge ISWAP hideout in Yobe

ISWAP Terrorists

After four hours of intense gun battles, troops of the 145 Battalion in Damasak, supported by the Nigerian and Niger Air components, have successfully dislodged ISWAP enclaves around Bulaburin in Yobe State.

During the operation, one terrorist was neutralized, a gun truck was destroyed, and several arms were recovered. The gallant troops demonstrated exceptional bravery, successfully destroying the terrorist camp as the remnants fled in different directions.

Relatedly, two bandit leaders, Sani Dangote and Lamo Saude along with 38 other terrorists were killed in a deadly rival clash in Zamfara State.

The clash occurred on Sunday April 7, 2024 at Dumburum Village of Zurmi Local Government Area.

Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama, a counter Insurgency media expert, that the clash began late afternoon when Sani Dangote and Lamo Saude, launched a fresh assault on Gwaska Dankarami’s camp.

The clash was said to be traced back to the killing of Dangote’s younger brother known as “Mallam” by Dankarami.

It was gathered that Dankarami had sent an invitation to Dangote requesting for reconciliation but little did he know that Dangote had a plan to attack him.

In the heavy gun battle that ensued, Dankarami reportedly overpowered the other group and neutralised them. He also seized their weapons and motorcycles while other fighters fled.

In another development, terrorists, suspected to be ISWAP, reportedly launched a daring attack, seizing a Toyota Land Cruiser belonging to CADEV, an NGO affiliated with CRS (Catholic Relief Services) weekend.

The NGO carrying humanitarian aid and feeding refugees in Niger Republic, was ambushed between Gargada and Gagamari, along Diffa-Maine Soroa road.

Tragically, the terrorists unleashed gunfire during the assault, resulting in the death of the driver. Another official sustained gunshot wounds but remains in stable condition.

The vehicle’s tracking data uncovered its location across the border in Yobe State, Nigeria. Intelligence sources revealed to Phantom Eye that the area serves as a stronghold for ISWAP.

A source said this incident highlights the dangers faced by humanitarian organizations in conflict zones.

The loss of the vehicle disrupts critical aid delivery efforts, especially for vulnerable populations, predominantly Nigerian refugees in Niger Republic.


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