Those on God’s side (2)

Recently, two Onitsha Archdiocesan priests, Reverend Father Dr. Lawrence Orazulume and Reverend Father Dr. Gabriel Chukwudi Amobi were inducted into the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria, as medical doctors having satisfied the legal requirement to practise medicine. Here the duo share the moment of joy with their Archbishop of Onitsha, His Grace, Most Reverend Valerian Okeke (middle)

Key verse: Exodus 32:26: “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.” (KJV)

There is no neutral or middle ground in serving the Lord. It is either you are serving God in the spirit and in truth or you are not. That is why you need to ask yourself this question that Moses asked the children of Israel: “Are you on the Lord’s side?” During the American War for Independence, a man named Benedict Arnold was notorious for changing side.

Mr. Benedict was a general during the American Revolution War who originally fought for the American Continental Army, but defected to the British Army. While a general on the American side, he had a secret plan to surrender West Point, US to the British forces, which was their enemy. But when his plan was exposed in September 1780, he defected and changed sides to the British Army. As a child of God, can people surrounding you testify that you are truly standing for God or you are a hypocrite?

You are saved for a purpose as a child of God, and that is to live for the glory of God. God does not do anything without a purpose. Whatever God does, He Has a purpose for doing it. The purpose of God for redeeming the church is to bless mankind through the church. God has called the church for a purpose and He did not just recruit us. One of the purposes of God is to make the church a battle-axe in His Hands to wedge war against sin, atrocities and powers of darkness.

All manner of sin is on the increase everyday in our society and they are opposing the knowledge of God. The church is raised to be a battle-axe in the Hands of God so that the church could defeat the devil who is trying to take over the world through sin. Sadly, if you look around today, it looks like those who are crazy for Satan are on the increase. They seem to be more than those who are crazy for God. God’s end time purpose is to release to the world men and women who will go all out to be crazy for Him.

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai and saw the worship of idol going on everywhere in the amid of the children of Israel, he was not happy. A true leader will not be happy when he sees rubbish and what is contrary to the will of God going on everywhere. Moses made a call and said all those who are not happy with what is happening, come on my side and all those who want God to be glorified, come on my side. It was a call to identify those who still loved God and those who are still God’s remnant.

In every generation no matter how hard and no matter what the devil is doing, there will always be a remnant for God. The remnants are those who love righteousness and want to see the glory of God revealed on earth.

• Today’s nugget: There is no neutral ground. Prayer: Lord help me to stand for you. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.

God is calling you out today to be one of the remnants for Him. The sons of Levi identified with Moses and said we are for God and I pray you will be for God. The call by Moses was a call for people to come on God’s side and on the side of holiness and righteousness. It was a call for those who still have the fear of God to be separated and come on God’s side.

• Today’s nugget: There is no neutral ground. Prayer: Lord help me to stand for you. Prayer lines: 08033299824. E-mail: Rev. (Dr.) Abel Ukachi Amadi, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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