The Ministry Gifts Of The Holy Spirit (7)


THE last gift is the gift of teaching. Like the others, it is meant for service through leadership. Teachers have a special skill of opening up the deep meaning of scripture in simple, clear and easy to understand ways. They communicate effectively. This is different from academic or intellectual teaching. Deep revelations of mysteries hidden in The Word are laid bare. Eph.4: 11-12”… So Christ Himself gave… teachers to equip the people for service so that the body of Christ may be built up till we reach unity in the faith and the knowledge …”, Rom.12: 7; 1 Cor.12: 29; Heb.5: 12. All matured believers should be involved in teaching, but teachers know that teaching is their primary calling and give it the highest priority.
True Teachers

True teachers teach deep revelations from God, Lk. 8:10-11 “… to know the mysteries of the kingdom… to the rest it is given in parables…” 1 Cor.2: 13; Rom.16: 25; Gal.1: 12; Eph.1: 17; Eph.3: 3; 2 Cor.3: 6.
They can simplify difficult scriptures and also open up hidden treasures in seemingly simple verses, Col.1: 27-28; 1 Tim.1: 7; Matt.13: 54; Mk.6: 2; Lk.21: 15; 2 Cor.2: 4-7.
True teachers live what they teach and always walk the talk. Teaching involves training and disciplining, Rom.2: 21-22; 2 Tim.2: 2; Phil.3: 7; 2 Thess. 3:9; 1 Pt.5: 3; 1 Cor.4: 16; 1 Cor.11: 1.
The Need

Jesus the greatest teacher, commanded the apostles to teach, Matt. 28:19-20; 2 Tim. 2:24; Heb. 5:12. The church today needs teachers to:
• Pass across the knowledge and biblical truth to protect all from destruction, Hos.4: 6.
• Transform and renew our minds, conduct and value system after salvation in our crucial journey to maturity and perfection, Matt.28: 19-20; Ex.18: 20. Romans 12:2 “do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind…”

Teachers will be he held to a higher account for discrepancies between their words and deed, Jam.3: 1. Romans 2:21 “you who teach another do you teach yourself? You say don’t steal but do you steal? We need to constantly ask ourselves whether holding the microphone standing on the elevated pulpit and listening to our amplified voices and words while others are compelled to listen, is our greatest motivation for ‘teaching’. We will give account for every idle word spoken. Help us Lord Jesus.

