Styling brand ambassadors

Corporate dressing doesn’t come easy even for world class designers as they understand that before the clothing is the personality, demeanor and disposition of who is wearing what.

A professional corporate dress designer understands that looking elegant to work doesn’t begin with the dress but with the mindset, one that depicts a desire to be seen as the face of the brand.

With this brand ambassadorial mindset comes the ease of styling, one that requires less designing input and more of appropriate style combo as a daily way of life.

So because you’re going to go to work every day except weekends and for some, weekends are included making this activity a 360 degree way of life, the necessity to always remember how you want your brand to be perceived through you comes to mind even in the simplest of dresses.

It is not just about the dress but the total dressing package, your hairstyle, skincare that reveal cleanliness and glow regardless of colour, fragrance, under wear especially for busty women as that perfection is seen when the cloth is on, the pair of shoes, the handbag, wristwatch and other accessories.

Put all these in check, and the dress perfects your overall outfits showcasing you as the face of your brand, an ambassador that cannot be ignored by not only clients but colleagues in the workplace.


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