SPG unveils initiative to propel participants towards peak personal performance

To address issues among youths in their quest for success, Selfpropelled Global (SPG) is set to launch a synopsis to propel them towards Peak Personal Performance.

Tagged: “2024: My Best Year Yet,” the event will hold January 13, in Lagos, with a live stream accessible to participants through various social media platforms.

Speakers at the programme include: CEO of GIG Mobility and MD at Pause Factory, Enahoro Okhae; Tech Entrepreneur and Educator, Dr Joyce Ugbosu; Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ethnos IT Solutions Limited, Peter Ejiofor; Partner & Co-Founder Enzo, Krypton, Emmanuel Tarfa and Tosin Adewale, among others.

In a statement by SPG’s Chief Conceptualiser, Abu Zunny noted that the programme was meticulously crafted to inform, inspire, and guide participants in setting direction and goals.

According to him, the one-day event serves as a roadmap to personal and professional excellence, providing a unique and comprehensive approach to creating and achieving life aspirations.

He added that the seminar focuses on mindset re-engineering, leading attendees to achieve clarity of direction, marketplace readiness, and relevance in expressing and delivering value.

He said: “Keynote speakers and panelists, who have achieved global success and recognition across various fields, will share their insights
at the event.

“Recognising that merely showing up or spending time in the marketplace is insufficient, the programme emphasises the importance of expressing value to determine the corresponding value received.

“The ultimate objective of the event is to empower participants to become the most valuable individuals they can be in 2024.

“Following the seminar, a lifelong journey of entrepreneurship or employability training awaits attendees, with grants awarded to deserving trainees. Subsequently, the inaugural ‘Yearly Global Efforts Festival’ in June 2024 will showcase and celebrate outcomes from participants’ efforts toward their goals.

“Success stories will be shared and curated on a global platform, serving as reference materials to inspire and propel others into action.

“Looking ahead, SPG aims to impact a minimum of 1 million young and middle-aged individuals across Nigeria and Africa over the next five years.

“To achieve this ambitious goal, SPG welcomes collaborations with individuals, organisations, industries, and groups interested in nation and capacity building.
Together, let’s make 2024, your best year yet.”


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