Should you buy Fantom Or HUH Token?

It’s around that time of year, where the Christmas decorations have been taken down, the blue-hue of January has settled in for another few months before the birth of life springs in yellow and orange buds for as far as the eye can see.

And, you’re more than likely being bombarded with countless emails, pop-ups and intrusive ads wherever the internet can reach (and that’s pretty far). Though, it’s not surprising that a few of the crypto adds have seeped through and you’re considering the potential of some passive income or a long-term investment.

After all, we’re all regaling from the money-burn of gift-giving and we’re looking for some of that back, potentially.

So, what’s the difference between Fantom and HUH Token and which one should you buy if it was the right crypto for you?

The Value Of Fantom 

Fantom offers something unique to the cryptocurrency world, and because of that is vastly becoming popular amongst tech developers (Devs) or your everyday investor like you and me. 

The wickedly named, Fantom, is an open-source smart contract platform, where digital assets can be sold, bought and exchanged with the click of a meaty finger. As well as, possessing the capability, in its blockchain technology to host Dapps (Decentralised Applications) which can be made possible through Fantom’s smart contract features. 

Currently, Fantom hosts the likes OpenOcean, SoulSwap, HyperJump, cBridge, Tarot, Beefy, ZooCoin and wallets like MetaMask and Trust Wallet, amongst many others! 

As more people harness Fantom’s potential, it’s no wonder that their currency is skyrocketing and with it, the value of the crypto itself.

Fantom rewards customers who stake FTM on their secure and fast network, where you can potentially begin earning in a matter of seconds. 

Currently, with Fantom, you can earn up to 13% APY for your staked crypto. Potentially offering you the ability to earn some passive or active income!

Though don’t just take my word for it, you can find out more on Fantom from their website.

HUH Token Earning Potential 

HUH Token launched in early December (2021) ahead of the Christmas period, and with it, dawned a new age of cryptocurrency the ‘Utimeme’. The currency that harnesses the power and potential of both, usage and meme influence, broke out onto the crypto scene, and with it caused a Shiba Inu sized frenzy. 

HUH skyrocketed to popularity and with the upcoming influencer release on the 19th of January, it’s no wonder the internet is buzzing with the name ‘HUH Token’ again. 

The cryptocurrency boasts a remarkable multichain (Ethereum and Binance) that potentially offers greater protection for investors against the volatility of the cryptocurrency market. 

Already amassing 15,000 holders in under just over four weeks and burning $4million worth of HUH in the first two weeks on the crypto market to boost the value of the currency for HUH holders. 

HUH Token is making leaps and bounds into creating its MetHUH, wherein, content can be shared, exchanged and purchased in cryptocurrency… something that is becoming extremely popular in the crypto market as more cryptocurrencies make the move into NFTs… something that HUH Token is ahead of the curve with. 

If you’re looking to be a part of HUH Token you can currently benefit from a smart contract referral system where you will benefit from a 10% BNB bonus and anyone you refer will receive a 10% reduction in sales fees. 

Though don’t just take my word for it, you can find out more information on HUH Token from the links below.

HUH Official Swap:  



