Samson’s Hair Grows Again! (1)


It is always amazing, exciting and at the same time awe-striking when we experience God turning around situations that men have naturally written off. But the truth I will like you to receive today is that it can never be over until God says that it’s over. The conclusion of a matter lies only in God’s Hands. Mistakes, mishaps, misfortunes, etc., could cause setbacks, but they are not the ultimate deciding factors in our destinies. God can always maneuver them to bring about His ultimate purpose in our lives. So, that you find yourself presently in what looks like a hopeless or terminal situation, a total failure, should not make you conclude that nothing can be done about it again.

All hope is not yet lost. God has not concluded on you, even if men have. We want to prove this from the story of Samson in the Bible (Judges chapters 13-16). Samson was a child of promise. His conception was announced by a heavenly being, who clearly spelt out the mission of the coming child and the ordinances that he must keep to retain his anointing and relationship with God (Who will use him to accomplish His divine purpose) – “Even though you have been unable to have children, you will soon become pregnant and give birth to a son. You must not drink wine or any other alcoholic drink or eat any forbidden food. You will become pregnant and give birth to a son and his hair must never be cut, for he will be dedicated to God as a Nazarite from birth. He will rescue Israel from the Philistines,” the heavenly visitor told Manoah’s wife.

Samson’s sole divine assignment was to rescue Israel from the Philistines. By this time, the Israelites have been in Philistine bondage for 40 years. Can you imagine, 40 whole years of slavery, agony and humiliation. How long have you been in the pain? Now, for Samson to be able to accomplish this great task, he must not shave his hair. He must also observe the vows of the Nazarites, and be totally dedicated to God. He must be separated and remain holy to God all the days of his life. When Samson was born and grown, God began to use him to fulfil that divine process to free Israel from bondage.

Things were working well and Israel was rejoicing that God had remembered them at last. Suddenly and unfortunately, Samson began to manifest weak character and carelessness towards his relationship with God and his divine mission. He began to go after prostitutes, indulging in wining and dining with the enemies of Israel. He forgot that he was a Nazarite, dedicated to God. May God help us!

Rev. Agbo is the author of the book Power of Midnight Prayer.

