Proactive PR Solution Will Take The Lead In 2015, Says Sola Fijabi

THE Principal Partner, Brooks and Blake Nigeria Limited, Mr. Sola Fijabi has hinted that up-beat public relations solution will largely define the activities of businesses in Nigeria this year. 

  Fiajbi made the assertion in view of the recent austerity measures announced by the Nigerian government and the global fall in oil prices. 

  He noted that consumers’ spendings are likely to reduce with a spiral effect on patronage of goods and services across board.

  According to him, “the reduction in global oil prices and the austerity measures recently announced by the government will most likely reduce the purchasing powers of consumers vis-a-vis low patronage for organisations. Therefore, it is only organisations that are able to uniquely connect with their consumers that will gain thier continous loyalty now and beyond.” 

  He further stated that “consmuers today are now more discerning like never before. Every kobo spent must add value to their being. It is thus the responsibility of every organisation to make the consumers see their goods and services as that good or service worth spenidng their hard earned money on. With strategic Public Relations campaigns, I believe organisations will be able to create positive perceptions in the minds of their exisitng and prospective customers enough to enhance patronage of the products even as we weather the storm of austerirty.” 

  Fijabi also expressed appreciation to the company’s clients, saying they “are at the centre of the laudable recognition” bestowed on the company by the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations Corporate Citizen of Excellence Award as the PR Agency of the Year. 

  “We dedicate this award to all our clients and the amazing team at at Brooks and Blake. We realise that with recognition comes responsibility. We have reasons now more than ever before to fortify our efforts at servicing our clients adding values to the entities as much as possible,” he added. 

