NJC issues warning to two judges

The National Judicial Council (NJC) has issued warning letters to two judges over their misconduct in the discharge of their judicial functions.

One of them, Justice Muawiyah Baba Idris of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory FCT Abuja was issued a warning letter and placed on the council’s watchlist for a period of one year.

He was indicted for signing the Writ of Possession for execution on the same day he delivered judgment in suit No. FCT/HC/CV/FT/36/19 between Sicons Nigeria Ltd V Nile Place Restaurant and Catering Services Ltd.

A statement by the NJC Director of Information released on Wednesday in Abuja indicated that the suit was for the recovery of demised property.

NJC agreed with the findings of the committee that investigated the judge that his action was in contravention of Proviso to Order 27 Rule (16) (b) High Court of the Federal Capital Territory Civil Procedure Rules 2018 and Order 4 (1) and (2) of the Judgment Enforcement Rules 2004.

The Council also issued a warning letter to Justice M. M. Ladan of the High Court of Kaduna State having found merit in the petition written against him in Suit No. KDH/KAD/1321/2018 between VTLS Inc. Vs Ahmadu Bello University.

Justice Ladan was said to have signed the writ of Attachment while the Garnishee Order Nisi was pending.

