Michael Oloyede is Akachi Ezeigbo poetry prize for literature winner

Oloyede Michael Taiwo’s collection of poems, Lagos Is Killing Me, has emerged winner of the Prof. Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo Prize for Literature in Poetry.

The announcement was made recently at the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

Winners also emerged in other areas such as, performances, disquisitions, spoken word, essays, renditions and panel sessions held in honour of the indefatigable professor of literature.

A distinguished literary scholar in Nigeria and beyond, Prof. Ezeigbo’s has often been described as literary enigma, and mother of contemporary Nigerian Literature.

Her creative efforts presented her as an endowed intellectual, creative writer, social critic journalist, administrator and essayist of Igbo descent.

Adimora-Ezeigbo academic prowess is derived from her consistent quest to impart knowledge and attain academic height. This gradual attainment of her zenith is visible in her acquisition of Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Master’s (MA) degrees in English Language and Literature, from the University of Lagos and her PhD from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

An important attribute worthy to note, is that her love for teaching gained her the position of a lecturer in the Department of English Language and Literature, University of Lagos, Nigeria.

An active member of numerous academic and literary groups, both locally and internationally, she has served in some of these organisations and associations as Vice President and Financial Secretary.

She has also received unique literary awards from different parts of the world, in appreciation of her outstanding literary and intellectual achievements.

To her, life is captured in meaningful emotion. Poetry thus becomes a powerful medium for letting out emotion recollected in tranquility or turbulence.

In her poetry, she displays visible influences of oral traditional patterns knitted in lyricism and evocative diction.

Her poetry has revealed her gift as a social critic with rare creative ingenuity.
Dr. Onyeka Nwelue’s decision in instituting the Akachi Ezeigbo Prize for Literature is of historical significance — the first in the history of the world.

The prize is in five categories (Poetry/ Drama/Fiction/ Non-Fiction/ Children’s Literature) and awards will be given to a winner in each category. These awards are spurred by an intellectual drive to celebrate an erudite scholar who has many academic and literary works credited to her name.

The event was attended by the Vice Chancellor of the institution and the Commissioner for Education in Anambra State and other distinguished personalities.
