‘Let’s be patient! We shall overcome’

Chairman, Lagos Mission, Anwar-Ul Islam Movement of Nigeria, Alhaji Ashraf Ademola Akinyemi Eshinlokun, has urged Nigerians to be patient with the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Eshilokun gave this advice during the group’s 2024 yearly Ramadan lecture, themed, ‘dealing with difficult time-Islamic perspective’, said the solution to the challenges in the country is embedded in the holy Quran and the sunnah of the holy prophet (SAW).He saluted the efforts of President Tinubu to restore good time to the country and encouraged Nigerians to be patient with him.

“The president can stabilise the country and most importantly the citizen must be patient. The present economy did just not get worse in 2024 but worsened due to what is on the ground. If we give him time and we are patient with him he will make the country better. Our governors must follow the path of the President. All the policies and projects must be beneficial to the citizens, not only party members.” He urged Nigerians to speak on the ills in the society and endeavour to speak out and correct the leaders. Chairman Division 3, Alhaji Marufdeen Babatunde Oshodi, urged Muslims to turn to Allah and seek his guidance and support through prayer and supplication.

“Allah is always with us and will never burden us with more than we can handle because with every difficulty there is a relief.”
He urged parents to train their children in the way of God and be wary of the danger of social media.

“Train your children to know God and to behave in the way of God. The era we are now is the era of social media and is taking a lot of the time of our children. It has become their teacher and counsellor. So, parents must be up to task to avoid these children being misled. Nobody is saying that children should not be versatile with society but they must not lose grip on what makes you a better person tomorrow. There is no better way to do it than to believe in the oneness of God and that is through Islamic teaching.”He added that if the home can do more, there is a chance for things to get better.

“We are not embedding discipline in our children, we pamper them. The driver takes them to school and the maid prepares their food. Before they come back from school the parent is gone. These are the things that are affecting the children’s upbringing.”
