Lagos probes farmers-dredgers’ dispute in Epe

dead fishes

Lagos State Mineral Resources and Environmental Management Committee (MIREMCO) and the Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development have intervened in the dispute between local fish farmers and a dredging company, Renecon Limited, concerning the death of tilapia fishes in Epe Local Council.

In a conflict resolution meeting on the fish mortality issue within the Lagos maritime domain, hosted at the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) Control Centre yesterday, the committee and ministry ordered both parties to resume their businesses while a thorough investigation is underway.

The intervention followed accusations from Epe’s tilapia farmers against Renecon Limited, alleging that the company’s dredging activities have caused the death of fishes in Ebute Afuye Cluster.

The mediation, co-chaired by MIREMCO’s Chairman, Mr. Sesan Olanrewaju, and the Commissioner for the Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development, Yacoob Ekundayo Alebiosu, emphasised seeking a mutually acceptable solution without assigning blame.

Alebiosu encouraged all stakeholders to continue their work pending the outcome of the probe, highlighting the significance of their activities to the state.

After the meeting, the Agbon of Epe, High Chief Dada Yesiru, disclosed government’s directive for the parties to resume work during the investigation.

He stressed government’s commitment to an amicable resolution and assured that grievances would be fairly addressed.

Yesiru called for patience and assured that actions would be based on the investigation’s findings.

The President of the Dredgers Association of Nigeria, Akpomejero Batare, advocated a scientific investigation to ascertain the fish mortality’s cause, emphasising impartiality and a thorough examination of potential factors like water poisoning and toxicity.


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