ISWAP spy killed, fleeing B’Haram terrorists surrender to troops

The suspect

The Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF) has intercepted and eliminated an Islamic State for West African Province (ISWAP) element, Abubakar Islmail, in Darak Town in Cameroon.

The suspect was arrested while digging a hole near a helipad located in Darak on May 31, 2024.

Intelligence sources told Zagazola Makama, a security expert, that investigation on the suspect confirmed his identity as an ISWAP spy deployed by the terrorists against troops.

The suspect was later neutralised when he attempted to escape.

Meanwhile, one Boko Haram member, Bayanze Mustapha, fleeing from the incursion of troops into Sambisa forest, surrendered himself to the troops of 21 Armoured Brigade, Bama.

Bayanze was among terrorists who ran out of the forest in fear of elimination after dozens of their camps were captured and razed by the troops.

Makama gathered that he surrendered with his rifle on June 1, and told the troops that he ran out of ‘Garin Ali’ in Sambisa forest.

Bayanze reportedly told the troops that everyone was running for safety as the troops kept invading their camps.

“They burnt everything, our food, homes and properties. There is hunger in the camp and there is no possibility of survival. As you know, ISWAP elements are also hunting to kill us,” he said.

Relatedly, in a continuation of ISWAP’s quest for vehicles, the group infiltrated Geidam town, making off with two trucks, a Hilux and a Toyota Land Cruiser pickup truck, along with an unspecified number of arms from the CJTF camp in the early hours of yesterday.

There were no casualties reported as the camp was unoccupied at the time of the attack.

Makama said the incident reaffirms recent assertion of a likely increase in attacks deploying Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIED) around Lake Chad. Over the past two months, ISWAP had successfully executed five vehicle snatching incidents around the border towns.

He said: “In addition to a potential rise in VBIED attacks, the acquisition of these vehicles will enhance ISWAP’s mobility and ability to conduct more attacks.

“It is noteworthy that both the Nigerian ir Force (NAF) Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK) and the Nigerien Air Force had jointly eliminated virtually all of ISWAP’s vehicles operating around Lake Chad.’’

“Geidam’s proximity to the Diffa-Maine road in Niger Republic, with a direct link road, indicates that it is likely the same ISWAP faction conducting operations in these areas.

“This continued vehicle snatching poses a significant threat, necessitating heightened vigilance and precautionary measures from authorities and commuters alike.”


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