International Day of Education: Seadogs donates books to Lagos schools

As part of efforts to bridge access to instructional materials gap among secondary school pupils, the National Association of Seadogs (NAS) Pyrates Confraternity, Panama Deck, Ikeja, Lagos in conjunction with Zero Meridian Deck, London, United Kingdom, has donated 1000 exercise books to students of Oregun Senior and Junior High Schools.

The donation, which is in commemoration of the International Day of Education (IDE) with the 2024 theme; ‘‘Learning for Lasting Peace’’ witnessed 1,000 students benefit from the intervention by the association.

In September 2015, the global community acknowledged the indispensable role of education in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Specifically, Sustainable Development Goal 4 aspires to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” by the year 2030.

Speaking at the presentation of the presentation of the instruction materials to the Principals of the two schools, the Capoon of NAS, Panama Deck,Ikeja, Mr. Chidi Orazulike,represented by the First Mate,Mr. Ero Imariabe,said NAS recognizes the pivotal role of education in shaping a future characterized by peace and fostering individuals as catalysts for positive change.

He said the observance of the International Day for Education by NAS is a cornerstone in its ongoing advocacy efforts in Nigeria.

According to him, this event is geared towards raising awareness through workshops, activities, social campaigns,and seminars, particularly aimed at enlightening the underprivileged sectors of our society on thesignificance of education.

‘‘Additionally, education is not limited to individual growth; it also contributes to building a healthy society. Ensuring that every individual has access to their basic right to education can potentially eradicate high crime rates, injustice, and economic difficulties in our society. Through this day,we aim to underscore the progressive nature of education,’’.

He added that IDE serves as a platform to raise awareness about the global challenges and opportunities related to education and promotes inclusive and equitable access to quality education for all.

Orazulike maintained that education is essential for breaking the cycle of poverty, fostering economic growth, promoting social cohesion, and empowering individuals to make informed decisions because it plays a pivotal role in addressing various global issues, including poverty, inequality, gender discrimination, and environmental sustainability.

‘‘The celebration of the IDE emphasizes the need for concerted efforts to ensure that education is accessible, inclusive, and of high quality worldwide. . It calls for global collaboration to overcome barriers to education, such as poverty, gender inequality, conflict, and discrimination. Education is a key driver of personal and societal progress, and the IED serves as a reminder of the transformative power of learning in creating a better and more sustainable future for all,’’.

Earlier in their remarks, the Principals of Oregun Senior and Junior High Schools, Mrs, Adewunmi Adegboye and Mrs Adesola Ajimuda, thanked both Panama and Zero Meridian Decks for the kind gesture.

They said the donation would go a long in supporting the educational needs of the pupils, saying impacts such as this will remain indelible in the hearts of the pupils.

They,however, called on similar organizations to come to the aid of the schools in donating item that would make learning conducive because Government cannot do it all alone.

Ajimuda further called for extensive collaboration from Panama and Zero Meridian Decks, requesting that the ICT Laboratory needs upgrade and any support in this regard would be highly welcomed.

