Inside Look: David Jackson Discusses “Sound of the Streets” EP

David Jackson

“Sound of the Streets” EP was rolled out on June 21, 2024. Ahead of the release of the EP, under Big Chase Entertainment, The Guardian sat down with David Kehinde Jackson, professionally known as David Jackson, to get an insider’s perspective on his latest musical endeavour. Excerpts…

David, how do you feel as the “Sound of the Streets” release date approaches?

Thank you for having me! I’m honestly feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. I’ve poured a lot of heart and soul into this EP, so I can’t wait for people to hear it.

Can you give us a glimpse into what listeners can expect from “Sound of the Streets”?

Absolutely! “Sound of the Streets” reflects urban life from my perspective. It’s raw, it’s real, and it’s meant to capture the essence of what it’s like growing up and living in the city. The EP explores themes of resilience, community, and personal growth, told through a blend of different musical styles that resonate with the streets.

What inspired you to create this particular collection of songs?

I drew inspiration from my own experiences and observations, as well as the stories of those around me. Each track on the EP tells a different story or offers a different perspective on life in the streets. I wanted to create something people could relate to and find themselves in.

How did you approach the production and collaboration process for “Sound of the Streets”?

Collaboration was key for me on this project. I worked closely with talented producers and musicians who helped bring my vision to life. We experimented with sounds and arrangements to create a musical backdrop that complements each song’s lyrical content and emotions.

With four tracks on the EP, do you have a personal favourite or one that holds special meaning to you?

That’s a tough one because each track is like a piece of me. But if I had to choose, there’s one song that really delves into personal growth and overcoming challenges. It’s a song that reflects a pivotal moment in my life, and I think listeners will be able to connect with its message.

What do you hope listeners take away from “Sound of the Streets” once they’ve had a chance to listen to it?

I hope listeners feel a sense of authenticity and connection. Whether you’re from the streets or just curious about that world, I want people to hear these songs and understand a bit more about the realities and complexities of urban life. Music has the power to unite us, and I hope “Sound of the Streets” does just that.

Lastly, looking ahead, what’s next for David Jackson after the release of this EP?

Right now, I’m focused on sharing “Sound of the Streets” with the world and connecting with my audience. Beyond that, I’m always writing and creating new music. I want to continue evolving as an artist and exploring different aspects of my sound and storytelling. So, there’s definitely more music and exciting projects on the horizon.

“Sound of the Streets” by David Jackson will be released on June 21, 2024, and will be available on all major streaming platforms. Be sure to tune in and experience the urban narrative brought to life through David Jackson’s distinctive musical style.

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