Imperative of uncommon leadership in Nigeria’s 10th Senate

Senator Godswill Akpabio

The 2023 Elections has come and gone, and like a Tsunami, has thrown up so much political detritus, and fractured flotsam in its wake. The tectonic plates of issues that divide and heat up the Nigerian polity, have already set an agenda for the 10th Senate which will have her work cut out to unify and heal a Country that seems to have by default, reverted back to her Primordial and distrustful state. Strongly needed is an uncommon and pragmatic, People oriented Leadership that will complement and enable Transformative and Excellent Legislative oversight for the incoming Executive.

In the lead up to the determination of the Leadership of the 10th Senate, Many Contenders have publicly thrown their hats into the ring, from all regions of the Country. A groundswell of Patriotic and informed Leaders have in recent times spoken of the iterative fit of someone from the South-South Geopolitical Zone to head the 10th Senate. This being the only Zone never to have held the Position of Senate President in this era of our democratic expression.

One Senator Stands Heads and Shoulders above all else in ticking all the requisite boxes of Excellence and Uncommon Leadership and He is Senator Godswill Obot Akpabio CON, Former Senate Minority Leader, and Governor of Akwa Ibom State from 2007-2015.

Senator Akpabio’s Life arc, paints a bespoke picture of Prepared Leadership, tailor made to head the 10th Senate. Raised in very humble beginnings by his mother Madam Lucy Obot Akpabio, upon the demise of his Father. His early education so richly Primed Godswill Akpabio for Leadership within a Multiethnic and Multi religious setting. He attended the Prestigious Federal Government College Port Harcourt where he was appointed Senior Prefect Leading brilliant minds from the then 19 states of Nigeria, Forging Friendships across tribes and religions. A really distinguished USOSAN. He proceeded to study Law at the University of Calabar, and like Joseph in the Bible, rose to esteemed leadership being elected Speaker of the Students Parliament,  a serendipitious  foreshadowing his Leadership of the 10th Senate perhaps?

A Charismatic Leader, Godswill Akpabio cut an excellent career path from Teaching, Law Practice as an associate Partner at Usoro and Co, to the Corporate world where he rose to become the MD/CEO of EMIS Telecoms Ltd one of the pioneer Wireless Telecoms players in Nigeria.

Goldfish we are told, have no hiding place. In 2002 his Sterling Excellence led to his being appointed Honourable Commissioner for Petroleum & Natural Resources in His home state Akwa Ibom, from where he was moved to Local Government and Chieftancy Affairs as well as Lands and Housing. In all these, God’s will for Akwa Ibom State was becoming clearer. So by the time he aspired for the Governorship of Akwa Ibom State in 2006, many were not surprised. The Herculian task set before him was how to emerge from the field of 57 Titans who also aspired, but again like David in the Bible, the time was set for God’s anointed. Running on the slogan “Let God’s Will Be Done” His Excellency Godswill Obot Akpabio CON was in 2007 elected Governor of Akwa Ibom State.

His stint as Governor heralded the era of uncommon leadership, as he birthed the wholistic renaissance of Akwa Ibom State. Quality world class Infrastructure, Education, Health, Sports, and in all HDI Indices, he catapulted his state to become one of the most desirable cities to Live in Nigeria.

Reelected as Governor in 2011, he was in 2013 elected as Chairman of the newly formed PDP Governors Forum. Upon completion of his excellent years as Governor, he heeded the call of his people for representation in the Senate, contesting and winning the Akwa Ibom North West Senatorial District (Ikot Ekpene) of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.  Senator Akpabio was nominated to serve as the Senate Minority Leader by the South-South Caucus of the PDP in the Senate, assuming office as Senate Minority Leader on the 28th July 2015.

In 2018, he resigned as Senate Minority Leader upon defecting to the ruling party the APC. He was appointed Minister of Niger Delta Affairs on the 21st August 2019 by President Muhammadu Buhari charting another chapter in excellent People oriented service delivery.

Senator Godswill Akpabio is gifted with an uncommon grace to navigate the treacherous and difficult political landscape, having built enduring bridges across the Political, ethnic and religious landscape of a multifaceted country like Nigeria, his political sagacity and accommodating win-win ethos will be highly needed skills that are required to head the 10th Senate. Senator Akpabio is not your everyday ego-driven ideologue. Unlike most politicians of his status, and experience he is down to earth and easily accessible by all, a real Man of the People. Very familiar and empathetic with the agitations of our youth, he is often referred to as the youth builder. Transforming young men and Women to Seasoned Productive Adults.

In envisioning Senate President Godswill Akpabio, we see him apply his trademark charismatic smile and laughter in navigating the very tough and possibly divergent parochial positions whether along ethnic, or religious lines. Knowing that he has built up a robust understanding of key issues. Encouraging his distinguished fellow Senators, to make their contribution, no matter how difficult the position is.

Akpabio is the quintessential King of Banters, and will engage with his colleagues on the floor of the Senate, in a paradigm shifting Pan-Nigerian ethos, understanding intimately the issues from both sides of every argument.  The challenges of lawmaking in the 10th Senate rising from the numerous issues thrown up by the 2023 Elections, Economic Headwinds generated by the outgoing PMB regime, will require uncommon bravery, yet nuanced understanding of the challenges therein, yet single-minded Visionary Leadership charting a productive roadmap that will provide the Zenith of people oriented Legislation for the citizenry.

To be continued tomorrow.


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