I won’t forsake Christianity for guber race, says Kwara PDP candidate

 • Gets youths’ support

 • Monarchs back Ahmed

GOVERNORSHIP candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kwara State for the next month’s general elections, Senator Simeon Sule Ajibola, has in Ilorin denied ever being a religious hypocrite as been speculated in some quarters.

    Besides, the Bishop of Anglican Communion, Diocese of Kwara, Rt. Rev Olusegun Adeyemi, urged Nigerians to obtain their Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) to exercise their franchise in the elections.

    The cleric warned politicians not to compromise their faith because of an election as their eternity and communion with God rather than the devil was needed by Nigerians.

   Ajibola said he remained a faithful Christian and would not on the altar of politics be an impostor and a religious prostitute.

    Speaking with reporters in Ilorin after a thanksgiving service organised by the PDP at Saint Barnabas Church of the Kwara Diocese of Anglican Communion, Ajibola explained that though he had a Muslim background, he would not compromise his faith as a Christian.

    The clarification came on the heels of his campaign posters pasted around strategic locations within Ilorin metropolis where he appeared with turban on his head (the sign of being a Muslim).

   He stated that he was never responsible for the poster, explaining that it might have been produced to discredit him.

    His words: “There can never be any deceit in the issue of faith. The issue of religion, which is faith-based is between an individual and the God Almighty. And one can chose to practice it the way he so desires. Me Senator Simeon Ajibola, I’m a Christian and there is no doubt about that. I may have the Moslem background. By virtue of my father being the Chief Imam of my village as at the time I was born. He named me as Sule and I cannot reject the name my father gave me from the birth.

   “And thereafter, I have embraced Christianity, I have been practising Christianity and the only medium between me and Almighty is Jesus Christ, the saviour of us all. I believe in him, I have embraced him even beyond living on this side.

  “The most important thing is life after death. And I believe I can get to that eternal life through Jesus Christ. I have not embraced any double faith practising.    

    “Regarding what happened through computer manipulation, lawani (Turban) was imposed on me. It was really unnecessary and diversionary. Honestly, it is out to discredit me as a person. But at the same time too, honestly I cannot deny those practising Islamic faith. It is a religion that I believe also of salvation. It is a religion that I told you my background took off from.

   “To date, the only elder brother that I have (born together of same father and mother) is still a Muslim and all members of his own immediate family while I’m a Christian with all members of my immediate family.”

  Ajibola pledged to offer the people real democracy if elected, adding that his government would also allow collective ideas in running the affairs of the state.

    Meanwhile, Ilorin Progressive Youth Forum (IPYF) will on February 10, 2015 in Ilorin organise a cycling rally and a ceremony to receive 10,000 youths decamping into PDP to show solidarity and support for Ajibola’s ambition. 

    Co-ordinator of the association, which is a youth wing of Ilorin Descendants Progressive Union (IDPU), Abdulfatai Babaita and the Financial Secretary, Akeem Alao, listed Ajibola’s achievements as a senator which include scholarships awarded to students in his constituency, soft loans to farmers and market women, job creation and youth empowerment among many others.

   “IPYF calls on well meaning Ilorin youths and women to come out en masse and show solidarity and support for the popular candidate to take Kwara State to the next level,” the group added.   

   Meanwhile, the Oloffa of Offa, Oba Mufutau Gbadamosi Esuwoye II, has joined other traditional rulers from Ifelodun and Oyun local government areas to drum support for the re-election of Dr. Abdulfatah Ahmed and the other candidates of the All Progressives Congress (APC). 

     Welcoming Ahmed, Senator Bukola Saraki and other stalwarts of the APC on campaign tour of Offa local government area to his palace, the traditional ruler described the administration of Governor Ahmed as transparent and people friendly which has fulfilled all electoral promises to the good people of Ibolo land. 

    “My people are informed to understand the financial constraint of your administration. They know the limits and challenges of the administration,” Oba Mufutau said. 

   Oba Gbadamosi, who urged his subjects to collect their Permanent Voters’ Cards in order to vote during the elections assured the APC chieftains and the state government of Offa support at all times.

    The Chairman of Ifelodun Local Government Traditional Council and Elese of Igbaja, Oba Amodu Awunu Babalola Arepo II earlier on Saturday when the APC campaign train stopped over in his domain said that Ahmed deserves a second term.

   Oba Amodu said the performances of the governor in the last four years were commendable as the governor had kept faith with the implementation of the programmes he promised to implement when he was seeking to be elected four years ago.

   At Oke-Ode, the traditional ruler, the Elesa, Oba Abdulkadir Adelodun, Akebiosu promised that the entire people of the town would reward Governor Ahmed with massive votes for the tremendous developmental projects in the town.

   Oba Adelodun listed some of the achievements of the administration in the town including the establishment of School of Nursing, road construction and the building of a new palace. 

  The Olomu of Omupo, Oba Yakub Buari, in his remarks during the governor’s campaign in Omupo, aligned with the views of other traditional rulers, opinion leaders and others that Dr. Ahmed deserves a second term as the governor of the state.

  Also, Ahmed says his re-election would provide more opportunities to entrench good governance in the state.

  He said this in Share, headquarters of Ifelodun local government area during the governorship campaigns of the APC in Share district.

   Ahmed assured the people of the state that despite the prevailing economic challenges in the country, better days lie ahead.

  “In the last one year, what accrue to Kwara State has been reducing on a monthly basis which has slowed down the implementation of developmental projects. However, we have devised strategies to overcome the challenges. Hence, better days lie ahead for our people,” the governor added.

   The governor appreciated the high level of cooperation his administration enjoys from the people.

   At the palace of the Olupako of Share, the governor said he was there to seek the royal blessings for the challenges ahead.

   The Olupako, Oba Abubbakar Garba commended Governor Ahmed for his developmental programmes as well as employment generation and youth entrepreneurship initiatives.

   Oba Abubakar who said that the governor was a trustworthy leader pledged the support of the administration to the state government.

