‘I advocate for sustainable practices across the beauty industry, greater inclusivity in business leadership roles’

Oluwanifemi Fagbohun, is the brain behind Niffy Signature, her focus is prioritising health and beauty safety within the makeup and beauty industry. She is also an author. In this interview with GERALDINE AKUTU, the Chemical and Polymer Engineer turned beauty expert /consultant shares her journey into the beauty industry, her new book and other sundry issues.

What inspired you to be an entrepreneur and what’s Niffy Signature all about?   
I was inspired to become an entrepreneur by my passion for beauty and empowering others. Niffy Signature is dedicated to promoting global health and beauty safety through vegan, cruelty-free products, beauty consulting, through our five-time bestselling beauty health guide ‘Your Beauty Police’ and education via Niffy Signature Academy.

What were your initial challenges and how were you able to surmount them?   
Initially, challenges included establishing my brand, limited resources, building global brand recognition. My persistence, leveraging networks, continuous learning and obtaining certifications that align with my brand vision helped to overcome these obstacles.

You started this from Nigeria, moved to Canada and continued with this line of business. How has the journey been so far?   
The journey has been challenging though enriching. Canada provided opportunities for growth and innovation while maintaining our commitment to quality and sustainability.

Your brand, Niffy Signature, won the 2024 Canadian Choice Award in the ‘Health and Beauty’ category, and you were recently named one of the Top 100 Black Women of Excellence to watch in Canada. This prestigious national recognition highlights your leadership, excellence, and influence within the Canadian community and industry. How do these achievements make you feel?   
Winning the Canadian Choice Award is a tremendous honour. It validates our dedication to excellence in our ethical practices and motivates us to continue raising the beauty industry standards as we continually campaign for conscious beauty practices. The future is sustainability and innovation. Being named Canada’s Top 100 Black Women of Excellence was a deeply humbling and gratifying experience for me.

Tell us about your new book. What motivated you to write it?   
My new book, ‘Beyond Brushes,’ delves into practical life lessons. No matter your profession, career, field of study, gender, age, or status—whether you are a new immigrant, settled immigrant, non-immigrant, or potential immigrant—this book has something valuable for everyone! It will inspire and ignite the fire within you as you journey through life. My motivation for writing ‘Beyond Brushes’: The inspiration behind my book ‘Beyond Brushes’ stems from the heartfelt admiration and valuable feedback I’ve received over the years from my students, mentees, business partners, colleagues, friends, family, loved ones, mentors, and collaborators. Their unwavering support and encouragement have fueled my desire to compile this labor of love, aiming to share valuable insights, experiences, and lessons learned.

You are a believer in women empowerment. How can women avoid mistakes when starting a new business?   
Thorough market research is essential for women to avoid mistakes when entering a new venture, seeking mentorship, and continuously adapting. Networking and staying informed about industry trends are also crucial.

Combining work and home affairs could be tough, how do you cope?
Balancing work and home involve prioritisation, effective time management, taking breaks when necessary and delegating tasks. Open communication with family and a supportive network are essential.

What changes would you like to see as a business owner?
I advocate for more sustainable practices across the beauty industry and greater inclusivity in business leadership roles. While embracing diversity may no longer be a contentious issue, there remains significant work to fully embrace inclusivity.

What are the positive things you learned while doing your business in Canada that you would like to see adopted in Nigeria?
In Canada, I’ve learned to appreciate the emphasis on innovation, consumer protection, and sustainability. These values have been instrumental in fostering a strong business environment. I believe adopting similar principles fully in Nigeria would contribute significantly to enhancing the Nigerian business environment, business practices and overall economic growth. As these values are crucial.

There is so much competition in the market space. What strategy have you put in place to ensure clients do not go elsewhere?
We focus on quality, customer education, excellent customer service, and personalised experiences. Our regular feedback collection and adapting to client needs help maintain strong relationships. By continuously refining our approach at ‘Niffy Signature’ based on customer input, we ensure our services evolve to meet their expectations and preferences.

Advice to aspiring entrepreneurs
Stay passionate, persistent, and adaptable. Embrace collaboration and challenges as opportunities to learn and innovate. Build a supportive network and always prioritise ethical business practices.
