How Event Surveys Help You Build Better Customer Relationships

RoyalWE have chosen to focus our attention this season on how end of the year events impact on corporate organizations and their brands. This week, we will be looking at how event surveys can help improve customer relationships in the cut-throat corporate world. I will not be exaggerating if I told you that if you’re unable to relate well with your clients, you will have a very hard time convincing them to invest in your brand.

So how best can we achieve the corporate goal of facilitating personal relationships with customers and/or clients, the reason behind all the razzmatazz of end of the year event? The answer is in effective event survey. Let’s show you how
Without an event survey, the substantial amount of time and effort that creating, marketing and then planning an event requires is often laid to waste.

In order to nurture lasting relationships – and capitalize on them – you need to have data about your guests on hand. While your event may have been a roaring success, if you’re not using an event survey as a means for lasting relationships with your guests, their connection to your brand will be short lived.
An event survey should be a means to establish a relationship with each guest, to connect you directly to the individual.

The beauty of an event survey lies in its ability to connect with your guests one-on-one. Personalized event surveys are far more successful than generic pop-up surveys or focus groups, as they talk to the individual only. This personalization puts guests at ease, resulting in a willingness to participate and relay their feedback.

Event surveys should be conversation starters, paving the way for future communication with your guests.
An event survey is essentially a litmus test of your guests’ experiences with your brand. This allows you to use them as a launch pad for further communication. Whether via email, social media, a newsletter or a blog, the information gathered via an event survey should give you insight into what your guests want from your brand, as well as the touch points that they respond to best.

Event surveys should furnish you with relevant information about your guests, enabling you to provide them with further brand touch points that are relevant.
The power of an event survey ultimately boils down to the fact that it provides you with information that you otherwise wouldn’t have access too. Thanks to an event survey, you’re able to determine what your guests think and feel about your brand, as well as what they expect from it in the future. Relating to your clients boils down to knowing who they are – an event survey bridges this gap.

In conclusion

A great product or an amazing customer appreciation event isn’t enough. If you’re not relating to your clients in a way that garners their trust, you’ll have a hard time growing your brand. So as you host your end of year event, please be sure to get the basics right about your post-event survey and you most likely will record more successes in the coming year.

