Health Benefits Of Lemon Juice

Healthyeating-7 2 2015LEMON tree (Citrus limon) is a small thorny tree that grows up to10 to 20 feet tall. It belongs to the family of plants known as Rutaceae.

The fruit is a thin-skin, pale-yellow, elliptically or oval shaped berry, which normally has a small, nipple-like protuberance at the apex.
Parts Used

Almost all parts of the plant are very useful in natural medicine. The whole fruits or the fruit juice is the most commonly part used for the home treatment of common diseases.


Lemon is very rich in Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), citric acid and malic acid. Fresh lemon juice is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C and citrus acid.

Indeed, studies have shown that one litre of fresh lemon juice contains approximately 500mg of Vitamin C and up to 50g of citric acid.

The Vitamin C in the lemon helps build the body’s resistance to infection and heal wounds.

Also, it contains Vitamins (A, carotene, B1, B2, B3 and P), bioflavonoid, glucose, fructose, sugar and minerals like calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorous, copper, manganese, etc.

A recent study has shown that lemon and other citrus fruits have naturally occurring compounds called limonoids, which impede the growth of breast cancer cells.

Other laboratory or in vitro studies have also shown cytotoxicity to different types of cancers- liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, leukemia, etc.

A wholesome and a well-balanced lifestyle, together with the daily consumption of at least 75 grams daily of whole citrus fruit or pulp-rich juices may reduce the risk of breast and other forms of cancers.
Therapeutic Properties
Lemon juice has long been found to have antioxidant, antitumor, alkalinising, detoxicant and blood purifying properties.

Other therapeutic properties of lemon juice are anti-scorbutic, anti-rheumatic, anti-gout, anti-arthritic, antimicrobial, astringent, antacid, anti-sclerotic, immune booster, diuretic, diaphoretic, sedative, general tonic for the vein, liver, pancreas and heart, as well the sympathetic nervous system.

Food Values Of Lemon Juice

It is used in flavouring foods and drinks.

Lemon juice is used in salad dressing.

The juice of lemons is an excellent substitute for vinegar, particularly when used in salad dressings and to flavour different culinary dishes.

The juice of lemon is taken together with other food drinks.

Lemon juice is a fat burner. The juice from one whole lemon fruit mixed with four spoons of pure honey and the mixture is taken on an empty stomach (in the morning) daily for up to six months, helps to shed excess weight.

The citrus pectin and the bioflavonoids present in lemon fruit are similar to those present in rose hip and black currants.
Medicinal Uses Of Lemon Juice

Lemon juice has for ages been known for its many domestic preventative and therapeutic uses.

The juice has sour taste, but systemic alkaline reaction and is best taken on an empty stomach when diluted.

Adding pure honey to diluted lemon juice enhances its therapeutic actions.

(1) Lemon Juice Cure For Stomach Disorders

Diluted lemon juice is taken orally to:
Promote appetite for food and for good digestion.
Promote the flow of saliva and gastric juice.
Help quench excessive thirst, e.g. in fever and diabetes.
Reduce gastric hyperacidity associated with ulcer, gastritis (lemon juice is an effective antacid).

Indigestion, acid reflux, painful digestion (a mixture of lemon and onion juice in a glass of warm water), halitosis (bad breath) arising from digestive upset.

Diarrhea, dysentery, food poisoning and gastroenteritis (a mixture of lemon and garlic juice).
Flatulence, bloating and gas (a mixture of ¼ spoon of baking soda and One (1) spoon of lemon juice in a glass of water taken once daily).
Nausea and vomiting and sea sickness (a mixture of lemon juice and ginger).
Chronic constipation (diluted lemon juice and honey).
As a mild laxative (a mixture of lemon juice, raw egg yolk in a glass of orange juice).

(2) Lemon Juice Cure For Liver/Gall Bladder Problem

Drinking the juice of two lemon fruits diluted in half glass of warm water daily on an empty stomach or one hour before your breakfast will:
Stimulate liver function.

Cleanse the liver of impurities and fats.
Help patients with liver cirrhosis and ascites.
Help in the treatment of jaundice (a mixture of two spoons of lemon juice and a cup of beetroot juice). This also helps in reducing spleen enlargement.

Gall bladder disease (a mixture of juice from one whole lemon and one spoon of virgin olive oil in a glass of water taken one hour before meal).

(3) Lemon Juice As An Antibiotic

A) Lemonade is a popular refreshing drink prepared with the juice of two lemon fruits in 1/4 litre of water (250ml), sweetened to taste with pure honey.

It is useful in the treatment of cold, flu, fever, measles, malaria (used as a substitute for quinine in treating malaria and other fevers), cough, bronchitis, etc.

B) A mixture lemon and garlic juice activates white blood cells for defence and has been found very useful in the treatment of:
– Sexually transmitted diseases, e.g. gonorrhea.
– Diarrhea, typhoid, cholera (a mixture of lemon juice, onion juice and balsam pear juice).
– Disinfects all kinds of wounds.
– Tonsillitis, sore throat, pharyngitis and laryngitis (gargling with a mixture of lemon and pineapple juice).
– Bone infection (osteomylitis).
– Viral infections like Measles, smallpox, etc.

(4) Lemon Juice As A Blood Purifier (Detoxicant)/ Alkalizant)

Drinking diluted lemon juice helps in detoxifying or flushing our accumulated toxins in the blood, body tissues and internal organs, such as intestines, liver, lungs, etc.

Diluted lemons juice is considered to be one of the most ideal natural products for detoxification of the body.

Lemon juice removes excessive uric acids and prevents their deposit in the joints.

Lemon juice is rich in potassium and calcium. Though it has a sour (acid) taste, but its reaction internally is alkaline.

