Groups to help 1, 200 women fight breast cancer

Celebrating International Women’s Day and ensuring that more women survive breast cancer across the country, Sebeccly Cancer Care, Pearl Oncology Clinic and Oncopadi Technologies, have partnered to create the Thank God Its Friday (TGIF) Breast Clinic, to give women the best fighting chance to defeat cancer. Together, their goal is to support the treatment of 1, 200 breast cancer patients.

Every Friday and throughout the weekend, breast cancer patients will have access to subsidised cancer care and psychosocial support.

In addition, the TGIF Breast Clinic beneficiaries will receive up to a 40% discount on their treatment. This discount is being made possible through fundraising from Nigerians via several avenues including Sebeccly Cancer Care’s #1K4Cancer‏ program, which has been instrumental in alleviating the burden of cancer care on indigent women in Nigeria.

In addition, beneficiaries of the clinic will have access to the Oncopadi Cancer App, connecting patients with renowned oncologists via video/audio consultations and discounted health tests.

Oncopadi also provides relevant cancer information via blog articles, e-books, and more, to educate cancer patients so they make informed decisions about their health. As of today, there are only 81 Clinical Oncologists with about 30% of them based in Lagos.

As a digital health innovation company, Oncopadi is on a mission to empower confident cancer care decisions by patients, irrespective of their physical location and all clinical services for the clinic will be coordinated and delivered by the Pearl Oncology Clinic team.

TGIF Breast Clinic will include diagnostic tests: blood, imaging and tissue tests; quality cancer treatment: surgery, chemotherapy, and medications; discount on treatment; cancer specialists and support services including nutrition, counseling, support groups, welfare and breast prosthesis.

Speaking on the importance of collaboration in the fight against cancer, Dr. Omolola Salako, who has been at the forefront of cancer advocacy in Nigeria, said, “We need more women to survive breast cancer and spend healthy, happy decades with their families.

“We can achieve this as we all join forces by combining our collective resources, skills, and talents. It is a dream come true to launch this innovative breast cancer clinic. This is why this collaboration will close the care gap for over 1,200 women this year.

“We want a situation where any woman who walks into the Pearl Oncology Clinic Lekki door can start and complete her treatment without treatment interruptions or drop out because of financial constraints.

“Still, we can’t do it on our own, and this is why we’re calling on kind-hearted Nigerians and people who want to give back, or if you have been affected by cancer, we encourage you to join us and also to support the Thank God It’s Friday Breast Clinic.”


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