Governor Eno spearheads conflict resolution among Akwa Ibom paramount rulers

Governor Umo Eno had a parley with paramount rulers drawn from across Akwa Ibom.

Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State, on Wednesday, hosted paramount rulers drawn from 29 out of the 31 local government areas of the state, to find lasting solutions to the lingering issue arising from the amended Akwa Ibom State Traditional Rulers’ Law, at the State Executive Council Chambers. The paramount rulers of Ibeno and Ini LGAs, respectively, were absent on health grounds.

In an atmosphere of peace and unity, Governor Eno thanked the paramount rulers and assured them of his government’s readiness to work with them to find a lasting solution to the matter.

“I thank you most sincerely for heeding my call. It is through your support and the support of all Akwaibomites that I was elected to this office. I always pray that God will help me to always do my best to satisfy the majority of Akwa Ibom people,” said Eno.

“I have gone to Ibibio, Annang and Oro lands to sue for peace on this issue and let me thank Barrister Ekpenyong Ntekim for accepting to cooperate with us to resolve this matter out of court.

“The position of everyone, from your submissions, is that you have all agreed on the principle of rotation for the position of the President-General of Akwa Ibom State Supreme Council of Traditional Rulers.

“We won’t want to meddle into this issue involving our revered traditional fathers. That is why we are setting up a seven-man committee drawn from this revered body to make recommendations concerning the mode or structure of the rotation and submit the conclusions to us, in two weeks.

Governor Umo Eno of Akwa Ibom State.

“We will thereafter, send the recommendations to the State House of Assembly for further considerations,” the governor said.

There was a spirit of unanimity in the chamber on the constitution of the committee by the governor, as expressed by the following paramount rulers: Edidem (Prof.) Amanam Udo, Paramount Ruler of Etim Ekpo and Owong Okon Abang, Paramount Ruler of Mbo as well as Edidem Clement Francis Ekpenyong of Ibesikpo Asutan, who all spoke in total support of the setting up of the committee, on behalf of their colleagues.

In his speech, the Chairman of the State Traditional Rulers Council, Odidem Bassey Etim Edet, thanked the governor for the excellent manner he has handled the matter and supported the idea of a committee to look into the issue as proposed by the Governor.

Also speaking, the Oku Ibom Ibibio and President General of Akwa Ibom State Supreme Council of Traditional Rulers, His Eminence, Ntenyin Solomon Etuk, also sued for peace, emphasising that “we are all bound by the same cords of unity. It is not about me, it is about the unity and peace of our dear State.

“I am an in-law in Annang land, and my son is married in Udung Uko Local Government Area, in Oro land. We are all one and we must embrace peace for our state to progress,” he said, while expressing support for the committee.

In his vote of thanks, Ekpenyong Ntekim, a legal counsel to some royal fathers who had initially instituted a court action on the issue, described Governor Eno as a man of peace.

He thanked the governor for his ingenuity in setting up the committee and expressed his support, stating that it represents the best way to resolve the lingering issue.

This position was also echoed by the State Attorney General, Mr Uko Udom.

The members of the constituted seven-man committee are Edidem Etim Charles Daniel Abia (Chairman), Edidem (Dr.) Edet Akpan Inyang (member), Edidem (Prof.) Amanam Akpanudo Uko (member), Akuku Okon Udo Ukut (member), Owong Okon Asukwo Abang (member), Edidem Ita Edet Okokon (member), and Okuku (Dr.) Ime Udousoro Inyang (member), while Dr. Emmanuel Umontuen, the secretary of the Akwa Ibom Traditional Rulers Council, will function as the committee secretary.


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