Golden generation


The description in the above text apparently talks about Jesus Christ in his full glory walking amid the church. No generation, even John, experienced this unique opportunity as we have it today that God in person can walk and fellowship with his children. It was only envisaged by John in the spiritual realm, but has come to fulfill in our times.

In the beginning, after creation, God did not abandon man, but oftentimes, came down in the cool of the day to fellowship with man. He directed Adam’s decisions and oversees his assignment. God, at that time, was fully involved in man’s affairs.

This is because man could not achieve anything without God’s direction. He needed God’s voice and presence to live. However, man lost everything after he disobeyed God’s express commandment. He lost the fellowship he hitherto enjoyed with God.

Before the fall of man, man could not do anything without God. But as soon as Adam fell, he could not achieve anything; he wasted the rest of his life on earth. It was recorded that he only gave birth as his achievement and died afterwards. In the same vein, Adam’s generation had no God; they rejected God and flagrantly disobeyed him. Anyone that lives today without God is likened to Adam’s generation that only profited in giving birth and died afterwards.

Moses brought God to his generation. Little wonder, he succeeded in his life’s endeavours. His generation was endeared to God and followed in his footsteps in obeying the Lord.

A generation that forgets the Lord will definitely be corrupt and full of evils. Humanity cannot attain the real success without God. Adam is a practical example of a generation that left God. Man should examine the kind of success he has in the light of the scriptures. Success got from the devil damns the soul.

We are the golden generation favoured by God. Therefore, we are to go all out to proclaim repentance and salvation to sinners. However, the assignment cannot be fulfilled without the involvement of Christ, the owner of the church. The church has to fully involve Christ to run the affairs of the church; Christ must be directly involved to ensure success.

But it is disheartening to know that the church has forsaken Christ and assumed the leadership and the running of the church alone. The defeat recorded in some churches, today, is due to the absence of God amid them.

It is only a golden generation that can experience the physical presence of God. Those who left God and oversee the affairs of the church without Christ, do that to their own detriment. God can never dwell in a church where he is not given his full place as the head of the church.

This is the reason God left many churches. Titles and appellations that seek to contend the place absolutely reserved for the Almighty should be avoided in order to attract his presence.• Further reading: Gen. 3:8; 2:19-20; 4:1-2; 5:1-8, 9-32; 7:21-24; Exo. 40:19-21, 34,35; Rev. 1:9-20; Luke 24:27; Mk. 16:15; Mt. 28:18-20; Gen. 6:3; Psalm 24:1-2. You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc and YouTube @ kpicpc.
