G-60 lawmakers warn Federal Government against interference in Kano Emirate

Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanusi. Photo: Twitter

The G-60 Opposition Coalition, comprising federal lawmakers from various political parties such as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Labour Party (LP), and New Nigerian Peoples Party (NNPP), has called on the Federal Government to refrain from interfering in the chieftaincy affairs of the Kano Emirate.

The coalition emphasized the need for the Federal Government to allow the reinstated Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, to reign peacefully without destabilizing the already fragile North-western state.

In a statement issued after a closed-door meeting by the Central Steering Committee of the Opposition Coalition, the G-60 expressed strong support for the Kano State Government’s decision to reinstate Emir Sanusi. They described his previous removal and banishment as an attack on the revered traditional institution and a desecration of its long-standing cultural significance.

The statement, jointly signed by Hon. Obi Aguocha of the LP and Ikenga Imo Ugochinyere of the PDP, read:

“We members of (G-60) Opposition Coalition met, examined and deliberated on the developments in Kano State regarding the reinstatement of Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi. We therefore resolved that the Federal Government should not destabilise Kano State and allow Emir Sanusi to reign peacefully, as it will be fanning the embers of fire for the Federal Government to wobble into the chieftaincy affairs of the state because it does not fall under its Constitutional authority.”

The lawmakers underscored their full support for the Kano State Government’s reinstatement of Emir Sanusi, emphasizing that rectifying his unjust removal deserves the backing of all peace and justice-loving Nigerians. They also addressed allegations about federal security outfits facilitating the return of Bayero to the palace, noting the denial of these claims by the involved parties and expressing a willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The G-60 coalition made it clear that they and many Nigerians would not stand by and allow the traditional institution, which is a repository of cultural heritage, to be undermined by any entity using federal resources.


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