Fresh ambience

While some wait till the end of January to take out all the Christmas décor items, including the tree, a number of others shut down the festive ambience in their home in the first week of January for a New Year rearrangement.

For this to happen, de-cluttering is the first step to home rearrangement. Although for some, it’s more of re-organising back to what it used to be before the Christmas décor, while others just need a complete new interior rearrangement. Whatever, it is for you, it is imperative to start with de-cluttering by removing every junk item from every nook and cranny of your home both interior and exterior. Once this is done, you can start with rearrangement accordingly, but ensure not to make the space clumsy.

Key To Rearrangement
Simplicity is always the key, as anything short of this would complicate your space. Also, it is imperative to know your space before attempting interior rearrangement as some spaces just have it one way and no other way would do it better. So, if your space falls into this category, then you sustain what works as anything else could create a clumsy and disorganised ambience.


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