Firm to transform Real estate sector with affordable luxury apartments

It is one thing to have access to affordable luxury; it is another to own a piece of this affordable luxury in a community where you can relate and further grow with people in your class. To achieve the above without going bankrupt is one of Sir Chigozie Chukwudi Okafor’s intrepid game plans by year 2027.

Moving on from iL Palazzi, the Dynatech team structurally nailed two birds with one stone as it activates the construction of el Magnifico and Dynatech Heights at the same time. Dynatech Heights feature a series of two bedroom flats and mini flats otherwise known as one bedroom apartments. These will come in a contemporary structure on four floors including the ground floor.
el Magnifico, however, explores a different trajectory. Rooted in classic Victoria Island, one is tempted to say it’s the island equivalent of il Palazzi but it’s actually a couple steps ahead. Eleven units of duplexes against ten, with a swimming pool and with the inclusion of premium private swimming pools for each unit, it is glorious enough to believe that someone built a heavenly residence for the twelve disciples minus Judas Iscariot.

This is one of Dynatech’s premium projects that is meant to transform the real estate sector in Nigeria. While the duplexes of el Magnifico would have to be bought for the public to gain access and use, Dynatech Heights has a different arrangement. Some flats in it would be available for purchase while some would be for shortlet hence presenting the public with multiple routes of enjoying the luxuries they seek.

The goal is to give average income earners an opportunity to own a piece of luxury long-term or short-term in an environment decent enough for their mental health. Also, high networth individuals who prefer the company of progressive neighbours and neighbourhoods to solitary dwelling will find Dynatech Heights a soothing match for their taste.

While working on this project, Okafor and his team at Dynatech Homes learnt that inasmuch as Nigerian consumers would readily grab standard housing designs, they were even more eager to own contemporary designs.

To give them this standard without having to break their bank balances was the next goal for the visionary. It all culminated in another grand experiment in 2018.

Following critical acclaim from industry maestros and encouraging feedback from the brand’s patrons, Okafor’s Dynatech Homes launched a mission to deliver housing in unusual fashion and designs. The roofless top; appetizing geometric spacing; and canny choice of construction materials led to the creation of White House by Dynatech. Construction commenced in April of 2018 and exactly 10 months later, (three units of five bedroom duplexes on three floors) were commercially available for eager homeowners.

It was in this era, some sublime five years ago, that Okafor realized that he had indeed mastered the intricacies of delivering luxury at friendly costs. This mastery would go on to lead him to even more audacious projects.


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