Firm hosts baby contest to boost maternal, infant health

A health maintenance organisation, Avon Healthcare Limited, has reaffirmed its dedication to maternal and child health in the country through its yearly baby photo contest.

Now in its fifth year, the competition serves as a dual-purpose initiative, fostering awareness about infant health and promoting special bonds between parents and their babies.

The winners, expressed excitement and appreciation, stating: “Winning a cash prize in this challenging economy is an amazing feeling.” Hosted on the company’s social media platforms, the contest encouraged parents to share culturally inspired pictures of their babies. With an impressive reach of over five million users within three weeks, the competition garnered widespread acclaim on social media.

Reflecting on the journey of the campaign, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Avon HMO, Adesimbo Ukiri, said: “It’s amazing to see how this competition has grown over the past five years.”

When we launched the Avon Baby campaign, we weren’t sure of what to expect.

“However, its performance encouraged us to make it a yearly contest, and subsequent editions have succeeded exponentially. For us, this competition is one of our main platforms for expressing our commitment to mothers and babies.”


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