Festus Akingbaso sues Hon. Adefisoye for libelous defamation

Hon. Akingbaso

Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency, has sued the member, federal house of representatives,Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency, Hon. Tajudeen Adefisoye, for libelous defamation.

This was disclosed through a press statement signed by Akingbaso’s legal counsel, Akinyemi Omoware.


The above subject matter refers.

We are Solicitors to Hon. Festus Akingbaso, a member of the Ondo State House of Assembly and the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for the Idanre/Ifedore Federal Constituency election (hereinafter referred to as our client). It is upon his firm instruction that we cause this letter to be remitted to you with the hope that prompt and immediate action would be taken to avert our imminent legal actions.

It is our brief as follows:

1. That you and your supporters in your political camp alleged our client as being responsible for the assassination attempt to your person.

2. That our client being a candidate of opposing political party vieing for the same federal election like yourself, hired assailants who attempted the assasination.

3.That the said attempted assassination as orchestrated by our client happened in Idanre; the country home of our client.

It was specifically alleged that you escaped by whiskers.

4.It is on record that the above libelous statements were published in the Sunshine Truth; an online media with wide range coverage. Specifically, our client’s reputation was defamed in the following words:

“According to a report, the camp of the federal lawmaker is alleging that the assassination attempt was made on the life of Adefisoye in his home town, Idanre by suspected assailants allegedly hired by the PDP Candidate for the House of Representatives seat, FessyWest.”

From the above publication, the innuendo derivable therefrom is that our client being a candidate of the PDP in the upcoming federal constituency election, hired assailants who allegedly attacked you. That the assailants were sponsored by our client and that the attemted assasin took place in your hometown but that you escaped unhurt. Our client’s reputation as a public figure and a candidate of the upcoming federal election was publicly malaigned; his integrity dragged in the mud and subjected to public ridicule.

Consequent upon the above, we request that a written letter of apology retracting this libellous publication be written by you and published in the same online media with the payment of N500 million damages within 7 days of receipt of this letter. Please be informed that we shall not hesitate to commence legal action against you and your co-travellers should you default to adhere to our extant demands.

We do hope that you will allow good counsel to prevail.”


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