Farmers still using chemical fertilisers, says expert


Coordinator of the Organic Agricultural Development Culture and Practice Pilot Programme, Martin N. Ihesie, has called on Federal Government to urgently look inwards and assess the effects of the continued use of chemical fertiliser and others by farmers.

Ihesie, in a paper presentation, explained that critical analysis was carried out in farmlands from 1970 to date, saying, the death rate is on an alarming increase with the newly discovered diseases from the food crops grown with NPK, Urea and Mop Chemical fertilisers.

He said: “With the chemical pesticides in which more than 98 per cent of the farmers are still applying in the farming environment as catalyst simulator for crops yield up to this date, eating from their bumper harvest of agricultural produce.

Ihesie, who spoke in Abuja, noted that the International Organisation for Good Leadership and Agricultural Development have proposed a motion for a debate at the National Assembly on the need for the protection of our environment from soil degradation, menace and erosion.

According to him: “These human deaths resultant effects are majorly from the foods that we eat, because we saw that those food crops looked nice from the physical point of view, but not knowing that these types of agricultural produce are death warrant already.”


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