Dogara hails Tambuwal’s appointment into body of benchers


The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, has congratulated
Gov. Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto State over his appointment as life member of Nigeria`s body of benchers.

The felicitation is contained in a statement issued on Wednesday by Dogara’s Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Mr Turaki Hassan.

The statement quoted Dogara as saying the conferment of life membership on Tambuwal was well deserved.

It added that Tambuwal had distinguished himself as a lawyer, a parliamentarian and a governor.

As a consummate lawyer and astute parliamentarian, Tambuwal has written his name in gold in the annals of history of the legal profession and the National Assembly.

As former Speaker, Tambuwal contributed immensely to the development of the institution of the legislature and the deepening of democracy in Nigeria.”

Dogara urged Tambuwal to deploy his wealth of experience as lawmaker to improve on the legal profession as he served as life
bencher. (NAN)

