Divine Attestation

The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

1 Corinthians 4:4-5 (KJV):4: For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord.5: Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.

The greatest question ever answered by man through words, act, art and deeds is,“who are you?” The total man is judged by the impressions formed in answering this question. Impressions are formed by introduction. Promotion is a product of good impression and positive introduction. Who men say to others that you are goes a long way to uplift one. People are valued based on the information available about them. In Proverbs 22:1, the wise man said: “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favour rather than silver and gold.”

Every man can write his own Curriculum Vitae (CV);but you are your own work. Today, the spirit of God brings to us the value of Divine Attestation. The Jews sent the priests and the Levites to ask John the Baptist (John 1:19-23,): “who are you?”People will always want to know whom you are in the area of faithfulness, trust, dedication, doggedness, team player, honesty, leadership ability, firmness, decisiveness, uprightness, among others, before they can entrust certain responsibility to your care.
People will always form an opinion about you when they meet you. Someone rightly said: “Great minds find beauties and appreciate it. Average minds find commonalities and compare. Small minds find the problems and criticise.”

Jesus once asked his disciples: “Who do men say that I am?” Furthermore, you may wish to add: “Who do God say that I am?”

What Is Attestation?
Simply put; words similar to attestation are: introduction, recommendation, speak about, stand for someone, and vouch for somebody, among others.
It is said that attestation is the act of witnessing the signing of a formal document and then also signing it to verify that it was properly signed by those bound by its contents.
Attestation is a legal acknowledgment of the authenticity of a document and a verification that proper processes were followed.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, attestation is, “an official verification of something as true or authentic.”
The person verifying the authenticity or validity of something or someone is an attester. These assertions of truth are often done in writing to certify the statements.

Attestation Can Come Through:
• Impression formed by others concerning you either right or wrong.
• Oral expression of someone — what people often say about you could make others attest for you.
• Written expression of someone — what has been documented about you.
• Expression — the way you express yourself in words, act, art, and deed contribute to your attestation.
Whatever you are doing in life, people must formtheir opinion about you. In life be positive and good in words, act, art and deed. It is part of yourCurriculum Vitae.
Who Is Your Attester? (John 1:19-23)

The Jews assumed John to be a great prophet or even the Christ, therefore, they asked: “Who are you?” Attest for yourself, reveal your identity; they were expecting him possibly to be the ‘Christ.’
The person verifying the authenticity or validity of something or someone is an attester. These assertions of truth are often done in writing to certify the statements.
In life, people sometimes could push you to claim what you are not, or possibly become what you never wish to be. If you don’t understand this, people sometimes can make you become a shadow of your true self.

The question the Jews asked John through the Levites and Priests reveals the error of today:
• People giving themselves honour, which God or man has not given. This is reflected in self-acclaimed honour, and self-purchased title,among others.
• People gaining honour through dubious means.
• People running ahead of God for honour. A faster than God’saltitude.
Whose Attestation Do You Seek?
Did you hire fake individuals to pose for you?
Could they be Men?
Can you say it is God?
Or you are the one attesting and asking?
This brings us to the ultimate question: “Whose Attestation Do You Seek?
Man’s attestation’s? orGod’s attestation?
What people say of you, may not be what God is saying; but remember what men say about you can affect your progress? Men may reject you, but if God accepts you, rejoice and be glad.
Wait! Reward Is Coming. 1 Corinth. 4:5.
Whatever we do in life attracts a kind of reward. Don’t judge anything yet by your human power. Today you may have done well, but not appreciated enough or at all; reward is coming.
Sometimes the credit of your effort at the work place may have been given to another, never mind reward is coming. Men may forget, but be rest assured that God does not forget. No matter what the response of men is to your dedication, doggedness, faithfulness don’t be discouraged; just see yourself as God’s servant.

Remember, God truly rewards his faithful servants in the following ways:
• God gives us opportunity,lets be faithful to him. Let Him be our motive for service.
• In your service do not let anyone look down on your ‘little service’ God also acknowledges it.
• Everything has a beginning.Do not let anyone make a mockery of your little beginning.
• Know that every good thing you do to God and to man will attract divine praise.
• When God approves of you – Isaiah 40:1-11:
• Comfort is yours.
• Your warfare will end.
• Your iniquity pardoned.
• Your valley exalted.
• Your mountain brought low.
• Your crooked places made straight.
• Your rough places smooth.
• You will experience God’s glory.
Seek God’s approval today, when you do…
• People will see the evidence.
• Heaven will announce you.

Consider this earthly praise and values, as nothing and you will see God’s praise and glory.
We Are Hired For A Purpose (Ezra 4:5)
Introduction: God has a plan in his master plan for you. This plan may not fulfill itself, this plan may be delayed, and there are enemies to this plan. Therefore, there is need for caution!
God’s Plan – Jer. 29:11
“For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Devil’s Plan – 1 Pet. 5:8
“Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
But Know This – Job 42:2
“I know that you can do everything, and that no purpose of yours can be withheld from you.”

Our Role
Know that you have enemies against the purpose and their plan is to frustrate your purpose. Know also that God is watching your reaction.Therefore,
• Connect yourself to His plan and purpose.
• Focus more on His ability than on the battle; you will come out strong.
• Never give up even when it looks like you are alone.
Let Us Pray Together
• Lord stir my Cyrus to fulfill your purpose concerning me.
• Oh Lord, release the decree to restore your purpose in my life.
• Oh Lord, my God, keep not silent in my bound, let your glory restore and revive your grace within me.
Ezra 9:8
— Lord we ask for measure of revival in any kind of limitation set against your purpose in my life.
— In your mercy, enlighten my eyes to your position and possession in my life.
Now! “Let us walk in the light of the lord.”
Please Read Isaiah 2:1-5 (Key verse 5)
God’s light is the source of all goodness. Through the light we see the hidden treasures of the earth. This season, the word of the Lord is coming with a promise and requirements.I will be showing you my light, walk in it.
God could not create anything in creation until He created light, which enabled Him access the fullnessand revelation in the universe.

Generally Speaking:
• Light brings to exposure hidden things.
• Light directs.
• Light gives life.
• Light empowers every other element to function.
• It reveals beauty.
God wants us to walk in his light so that he can be shining through us – Matt. 5:14, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
To Be Able To Be This Light – God Is Saying – “Walk in my light, don’t ignore my light. It is life to you.”

What Does It Mean To Walk In God’s Light?
• Know that you are children of light – Lk. 16:8.
• God is light – 1 John 1:5.
• God dwells in glory – 1 Tim.6:16.
• God gives light to his children – Isaiah 60:19: “The sun shall no longer be your light by day nor for brightness shall the moon gives light to you but the Lord will be to you an everlasting light.”
The light of the sun and the moon can fail, but God’s light will lead to eternity and remain(See John 1:4,5,9 3:19, 8:12, 9:5, 12:35).
• To walk in God’s light is to obey His guidance – Job 29:3.
• To walk in God’s light is revealed in Eph. 5:14-21.
Benefits As Shown In Isaiah 2:1-4

Established above others.

Every man is on his own lane. You are not competing with anyone; but grace can make you standout shoulder to shoulder with the high and mighty — Isaiah 2:2.
Exalted above contenders.
Lifted above those who tried to limit you just to run you down and make you less relevant – See Isaiah 2:2.
• This makes you a centre of attraction.
• Others will come to you.
• People will enjoy to identify with you.
• You become a testament for others.
• Otherswill learn from you on how to succeed.
• You become expressional channel of God’s word.
• Executioner of God’s judgment.
• When people need justice, they look up to you.
• Enchanter of the wicked.
• You tame; suppress and make of no effect the wicked and the works of darkness.
Therefore, come lets us walk in God’s light.
In conclusion, whose glory do you serve?

• Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State (08035413812)


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