Dearth of Database Frustrates Fight against Cybercrime, Terrorism

cyber crime
cyber crime
IN the absence of reliable database; cybercrimes and online terrorism have continued to thrive, giving security agencies in Nigeria headaches and Nigerians nightmare, according to information technology (IT) experts.

The experts pointed accusingly at past and present administrations of negligence and misinformed policy thrust with regards to security related projects in the country.

They cited the country’s inconsistent criminal record; inadequate medical records; and non-inclusion of deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) analyses in the ongoing national identity number (NIN) registration are major factors responsible for increasing wave of cybercrimes in Nigeria.

Peter Asolo, an IT security expert, said that “DNA is unique to each person and allow your direct offspring carry similar identical traits as you. Though you may have matching traits with your offspring of family member but your DNA composition is a unique identifier that can identify you. It can be derived using any of your body components using genetic investigation.

He said assuming the NIN processes captured adequate DNA of the citizens, there will be need for SIM activation not registration; “Because all you need to do is activate your sim using your citizen ID code and fingerprint. So all Telcos need is a print kiosk for sim activation. Simple!”

Also Charles Okafor, a ‎chief superintendent of Police, confirmed that robust national database on criminal records is lacking.

Okafor at an E-Commerce Security Forum held in Lagos recently, said the ongoing national identity number (NIN) registration could help in solving the herculean task of cybercrimes and terrorism in Nigeria.

