CMUL inducts 37 new radiographers

Radiography. Photo/iaea

The Department of Radiography, Faculty of Clinical Sciences of the College of Medicine, University of Lagos (CMUL) has inducted 37 new radiographers into the profession.

Radiographers, also called radiologic technologists, are health care professionals who operate special scanning machines that make images for medical purposes. They use equipment like X-ray machines, Computed Tomography (CT) scanners, and advanced technologies such as digital fluoroscopy.

Radiographers often pass their findings on to radiologists, who interpret the images to help make a diagnosis. This is called diagnostic radiology. Interventional radiology uses imaging during a medical procedure to guide and assist in treatment.

Besides a medical centre’s radiology department, radiologic technologists can work in areas like surgery, the emergency room, cardiac care, intensive care, and patient rooms.

Meanwhile, the event, the 8th induction ceremony, which took place at the Old Great Hall, CMUL, Idi-Araba, Lagos, on February 3, 2022, saw the induction from the 2019/2020 session into the radiography profession.

The College Secretary, Dr. Olayinka Obafemi-Moses, who gave the welcome address congratulated all the graduating students and gave a word of advise to them to be worthy ambassadors of the College and the University as they go into the world. He also congratulated the teaching and non-teaching staffs of the department who had contributed immensely to produce these graduates.

Olayinka urged the graduating students to contribute their quota to the development of their Alma mater CMUL at all times.

Provost of the CMUL, Prof. David Adewale Oke, advised the graduating students to do what they are passionate about as that is one way to transform their lives and career.

Oke who also stood in for the Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Prof. Oluwatoyin Ogundipe, advised them to be purpose driven, work with a good team spirit and improve themselves through training and retraining.

He said, “To aim your blows aright, you need to seek out training opportunities that will help hone your skills. Training equips you with the ability to understand a problem, develop thinking ability and proffer the best solution to it. I urge you all to take responsibility for your training by taking advantage of any training opportunity that may arise in future.

“I also urge you all to learn how to manage difficult situations as several challenges and obstacles will be encountered in the path to success and fulfillment. Be courageous, prayerfully reflect on the situations and think creatively.”

Oke also implored them to be truthful and maintain integrity in the discharge of their duties as radiographers. “Please always strive to abide by the code of ethics and Rules of Conduct established by the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN) acting with accountability and good judgment in the best interest of the patients, the society and your noble calling.”

Prince Ayo Okhiria, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Delok Medicals and Director of Victoria Universal Technologies Limited, delivered the induction lecture.

The guest speaker, Prince Ayo, spoke on the topic, “The Making of an Iconic Radiographer, The Paths, Challenges and Outcomes.”

He congratulated the 37 graduating students for reaching this milestone in their academic and advised them not to relent, as the way is just about to begin.

Prince Ayo revealed that knowledge and education is very important and for that reason, the graduating students must continue to improve themselves through various workshops, digital platforms, online courses and so on.

He said, “Your skill is your ability to do something and do it very well. Only those who are equipped with appropriate skill set with take advantage of opportunities that will come in the future.

“Be ready for such opportunities by sharpening your skill from time to time because those opportunities will surely come and it’s the prepared ones that will take advantage of it.”

Furthermore he said, “Building Network of contacts is very important, as opportunities come, it is the contact that you build that will put you through the right way to go. You must associate with senior colleagues in the profession, learn from them and also learn from their mistakes so as not to make such mistakes too.

“You must be visible as the world do not have role for anybody working behind the scene, you must have a mentor for yourself that will guide you through the face of life.

“Put your emotional intelligence to good use, be focused and be of good character. Your honesty and ability will keep doors open for you.

“Always ensure to build good legacies as you move around the world as that is what the world will know you for.

Prince Ayo employ them to always keep their hope high as the difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is how high they raise their foot.

Also speaking at the event, Dean, Faculty of Clinical Science, Prof. Folashade B. Akinsola advised the inductees to do all in their power so as not to tarnish the image of the institution.

President, Association of Radiographers of Nigeria (ARN), Dr. Dlama Zira Joseph, congratulated the graduates on behalf of the Association and welcomed them into the noble association as members.

Joseph who was represented by the assistant National Secretary II, Lagos State ARN branch, Sule Joshua John advised and admonished the newly inductees to be committed members and actively participate in all the activities, programmes, conferences of the association and also join the ARN branches wherever they are located.

He said; “I implore you to improve yourself because the goal of your training is to bring out the best in you and make you a life-long learner with the motivation to constantly improve yourself, provide quality medical care and solve pertinent problems in our health sector.

“You are today inducted to be change agents and to join hands together with other teeming professionals in the health sector to provide effective and efficient health care delivery.

“I encourage you to be steadfast, dogged, confident, accountable and maintain integrity in the discharge of your duties with compassion, care, empathy and excellence as these qualities are the hallmark of a true professional.”

Joseph also revealed that free accommodation and registration has been set aside for the two best graduating students for the ARN annual scientific conference, which will be held in November 2022.

According to him, it is a way to appreciate the efforts of the First Class students and also stand as encourages to the junior students of the department to do more academically so that they also will be rewarded when their time comes.

Awards of different categories sponsored by the department, the Alumni association and a private firm was presented to the three best graduating students with Ugbogu Michael Uchechukwu emerging as the overall best.

An outstanding leadership award was also presented to the class governor, Adeniji Ademola Olamiju, for his outstanding leadership during their time in the school.


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