Chika Mbonu Returns

Chika-Mbonu-21-11-15AFTER the storm comes the rainbow. Former Managing Director of the now defunct Citizens Bank, Chika Mbonu, is in his season of rainbow after the series of trials that almost destroyed his marriage.

Over the years, he seems to have adopted controversy as a companion. His constant dance with the media has managed to rock the once steady boat of his career and marriage. Mbonu, who was also a pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), has had his fair share of negative publicity.

The social life of Chika, who used to be the toast of the banking industry, went under after his encounter with the EFCC and the collapse of his marriage. But a new era seems to be on the horizon for the banker.

He appears to have put behind him the past misfortunes and fixed his marriage and social life. Lately, he has courageously begun his return to the social scene as he has been spotted at a few private grooves. But he is only relating with those he is intensely familiar with.

