Better buy? SafeMoon or HUH Token

SafeMoon and HUH Token have both provided an excellent example of how to successfully start a cryptocurrency. As a consequence, there will be a slew of optimistic crypto developers out there emulating these successful launches in the hopes of replicating them. SafeMoon was launched in March 2021, and HUH Token was released in December 2021.

SafeMoon holders received massive profits in only a few months, and HUH Token is on course to offer the same, if not more.

So, what’s the key to these successful crypto launches?

SafeMoon Landing

SafeMoon Protocol is a cryptocurrency that is utilised in decentralised finance (DeFi). According to its website, SafeMoon performs three roles throughout each trade: reflection, LP acquisition, and burn. SafeMoon went live on March 8, 2021, with a price of $0.0000000010 and a SafeMoon token supply of 777 trillion.

As a result, SafeMoon had a large supply and very cheap pricing. If you had spent $1,000 on SafeMoon at the time of its inception, you would have received 1 trillion tokens.

Two months later, the price peaked at $0.00001399, and 1 trillion tokens would have been worth nearly $14 million. So SafeMoon definitely lived good to its name, as the value skyrocketed faster than anybody could have predicted.

HUH Token was introduced on December 6 and has already shown great success. The crypto has taken off, and if they can maintain their pace, they may be able to outperform SafeMoon’s success story.

HUH Token has over 15,000 wallet holders. It had $7 million in liquidity and a market worth of more than $150 million in only ten days. Given that it is a new cryptocurrency, the daily trading volume was enormous. Often with cryptocurrency, things change erratically and happen swiftly; there isn’t necessarily a reason for success or failure. HUH Token, on the other hand, has definitely put in the effort to create a cryptocurrency that would stand out from the crowd.

One of the most intriguing aspects of HUH Token is its unique referral system. It is quite easy to use. Essentially, if you suggest someone and they invest into HUH Token, you will get 10% off their first purchase in BNB. The individual who is suggested then benefits as well since their selling charge is decreased. To make matters even better, HUH holders may use their unique referral code as many times as they choose, and they will continue to get BNB for each successful initial purchase.

Passive income is a goal that everyone strives for, and HUH Token seems to have embodied this effectively since you don’t only earn through the referral system but also from two other independent sources of revenue.

This is due to the HUH Redistribution Model, a reward system in which holders are compensated depending on the proportion of their holdings. For example, if user A owns 5% of the supply, they will get 5% of the HUH awards. This guarantees that all HUH token holders are adequately compensated for their faith in MetHUH. The total amount of HUH tokens represented is calculated by adding all HUH network buy and sell transactions.

HUH Token is currently doing a reduced fee for both buying and selling their token this week. This token can be found on Uniswap and PancakeSwap with these lower fees, all reduced to 2%.

Space Race

The release of SafeMoon V2 is coming any day now, and industry analysts anticipate another triumphant moment for the crypto. However, depending on how well HUH Token continues to do, it is possible that it may fade into obscurity with the multitude of other Binance chain projects.

The competition has officially begun, and we urge everyone in the crypto community to keep a careful watch on how these two cryptocurrencies.

Learn More About HUH Token Here:


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