Be careful in your oaths, promises, clerics tell Muslims

THE need to be very careful and exhibit the fear of Allah before swearing to an oath or making promises cannot be over emphasised.

   Investigations showed that larger population of the globe do whatever it takes to achieve their aspirations. Some kill, steal, deceive, bribe impersonate and lie among others, but a significant portion result to oat taking or promises to acquire worldly things.

  They engaged in several activities without considering the consequences of such actions. However, the holy Quran says “little is the enjoyment of this world to the hereafter”.

  Schollars believed that the wealth acquired in this world either righteously or unrighteously would surely perish one day, but what remains is the religious obligations and some holy acts that impacted positively on humanity.

  The chief Imam Al-Ameen Central Mosque, Alhaji Jamiu Salisu Ololade, cautioned Muslims against unguided promises, which he said could lead human to destruction.

   Ololade, who is also the President, Papa-Ajao Muslim Assembly (PAMAS) in a media chart recently emphasised the need for extreme consideration to avoiding oats, but where its compulsory, the parties must uphold their pledges.

  He said, “Do you not believe that this we take for granted as Muslims can jeopardise the hereafter, despite the five daily prayers, pure and devoted fasting, stressful pilgrimage to the holy land, tahjud prayers among others.

  “If you do not want to loose the healthy obligations to unfulfilled oats and promises, you could better say insha Allah (Gods willing), then if after mush efforts you could not fulfil the obligation, Allah is oft forgiving most merciful.”

  Others believed that oath taking and promises are common to politicians of recent times who make millions of promised during campaign, but turned against the electorate after assuming power.

  Besides, the constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria stipulates that certaing public officers must take oat of office before resuming duty, but a larger percentage of them ignore the official rites immediately.

  Sheikh Dhikirullah Shaffi of The Muslim Congress, at a public lecture recently cautioned on promises, urging the believers to desist from unfilfilled promises.

  He noted that it is better to perform unexpected rightious acts than to decieve and lure people to acquire wealth.  

