Are These Really The Best Years of My life?: The Daunting 20s And How to Make The Most of it.

The year is 2024 still relatively freshly baked, and regrets have already started filling in the air, many will soon start to complain, many will never stop, all complaining about the way things are going. While some wish to go back in time to when they had nothing to little responsibility others simply regretted growing up.

“My childhood was filled with dreams and aspirations. Growing up, I learned the value of perseverance and determination. That’s according to award winning veteran Nollywood actress, Genevieve Nnaji. 

My most memorable times were my secondary school days. I mean between the ages of 16 to let’s say 18. Sometimes I wish I could decide if to live today or pause everything about life at my own will, but what choice do I have? Said Shittu Adeola Fathia, a successful fashion designer along the Yaba Axis. 

Well for many like her, and others talked about in the narration we have put here, this will serve as a roadmap to how to survive and also manage your above 20s if you have already passed the age. 

Across all forms of media, especially social media, when older people or senior citizens are posed with the question: what age would you love to relive?Most of their answers have ranged between ages 19 and 30. 

Some of them spoke about this age bracket so longingly as nostalgia and described it as the best years of a persons life, the sweet spot of life, and for some it was the peak of life. 

The reasons behind their answer were mostly tied to the fact that they were carefree and had less responsibilities to worry about when it came to money, careers, family, physical health, friends and life in general. 

According to a new study conducted by Getting Personal, life’s first peak happens around ages 25 to 29 as physical health is at its prime, an individual has more disposable income and job satisfaction, and at this point most relationships, especially romantic ones, begin to settle down and connections which are no longer serving are terminated. 

However, when those who are currently living in the best years of their lives are asked the same question their answers and realities do not come close to that of their older counterparts. 

Many young people described it as the worst days of their life since childhood and a big scam. In 2022, a popular song Adulthood na scam, made it rounds on social media as most new adults concurred to its lyrics which exposed the woes of being a 20 something in this day and age. Some others have tagged the 20’s as an overhyped period ridden with physical and mental exhaustion, black tax, insufficient funds, confusion, unstable relationships with family and friends, and persistent frustration. 

One Twitter user once lamented, In this adulting there is always something to do, every single time. No rest!. One other user TikTok in a short video said, someone should look into my future and check if it gets better, if not let me just end all of this now. God, please take me out if its not going to be easier.

In recent research and studies that are being conducted, results have proven that being a twenty something in present times is more difficult than it has ever been in the past decades. This has been attributed to the fact that living has become more expensive and tougher than it has ever been due the breakdown of the country’s economy and inflation. 

With the prices of housing, food, transportation, petrol, education, travel, and other basic daily needs skyrocketing to over one hundred and twenty percent, an average twenty-something is found to be living on the edge. In order to meet up with basic needs, some have to work longer hours at their jobs while holding down side business, and some others have resorted to working for companies overseas, even with the different time zones. 

Just like actress Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde had said, In my 20s and 30s, I balanced motherhood, marriage, and a thriving career in Nollywood. It was a challenging yet fulfilling time where I learned the importance of perseverance and prioritizing my goals.

This experiences has led today’s twenty-somethings to be the most overworked, sleep deprived, mentally demotivated, young people with unstable relationships especially with family and friends since the last 60 years. Despite these jarring truths there are still measures which any new adult can apply to life to remedy and make it a bit livable as they gain control in the world. Some these measures include:

Investing in self-development
The best investment anyone can go into is self-development.

Studies have shown that the best period to invest and reinvent ones self is in their twenties, this, however, does not dispute the fact that at any age the human being can reinvent him/her self, it simply emphasizes that it is easier to cultivate certain habits and traits in your twenties than in any other later ages.

Just like it is easier for children, and especially toddlers, to pick up new languages than it is for older persons. Self-development does not have to start with one grandiose movement or decision, a one percent change overtime can transform an obtuse person into a sophisticated one.

Reading a book on a topic you have no knowledge of, journaling, praying, taking out time to write down at least five things you are grateful for first thing in the morning or even going for a run will be more rewarding in the long run than spending the first two hours of the morning in bed while doom scrolling through Instagram reels. 

You can use this period of your twenties to discover the things that actually spark your interest, since you are away from people who influence you such as your family and friends.

Are you passionate about cooking or dancing or web design or content creation? What ideas keep you up at night? What change would you like to see in a particular sphere of life? 

Then go ahead and turn those ideas into actions. Learn about saving, budgeting, investing, and tailor the knowledge you acquire to fit your personal financial goals.

Try your hands on new skills that you can monetise in the end or not.

Learn a new language to open new doors of opportunities for you. Invest in your health by cutting down on unhealthy foods and alcohol, visiting the dentist, going for regular check ups for your vitals at the hospital, joining a gym around the corner or exercising in your room, and learning how to manage stress. 

Build a professional online profile for your dream job on social sites like Linkedin. Learn the art of networking and building relationships by attending social events and boosting your communication skills.

Schedule time to see your loved ones
Several studies have confirmed that spending time with family can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a healthier lifestyle and lengthen ones life.

A particular study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University in 2019 proved that individuals who spend more time with their loved ones have been reported to have healthier mental and emotional wellbeing than those who did not. Note that family is not restricted to those who we have blood ties with, but it also includes those who genuinely loved us and have proven to us over time that we matter to them. 

Remember also that you do not have to go across borders every other day to hang with your family if you cannot afford to. A simple video call every weekend with your loved one or a hangout with your friends in your sitting room while eating small chops and throwing bants around could leave you feeling refreshed and ready to face a new week.

Indulge in the little pleasures of life

Remember the old adage that says all work and no play makes jack a dull boy? Have you ever thought that the reason why your twenties have been daunting is because you stopped playing? Your definition of play does not have to make sense to anyone else but you neither do you have to justify it to anyone. When was the last time you kicked a football around? Or finished a cup of ice cream by yourself? 

Try to reconnect with the little things that made your heart sing as a child or find new things that you define as fun like reading a spooky novel on your couch on a Friday night instead of clubbing, trying new recipes or using new methods to cook the meals you already know, listening to songs you danced to at birthday parties when you were a child on your way to work, etc. These actions may seem little but they go a long way to improve one’s mood and make life a little bit better.


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.

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