Anwar-ul Islam seeks panacea to Nigeria’s economic, security challenges

Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Lagos State University of Education, Associate Professor, Nosiru Onibon (left); former Lagos State Solicitor-General, Lawal Pedro and National President, Anwar-Ul Islam of Nigeria, Alhaji Mubashir Ojelade during the movement’s yearly Ramadan lecture in Lagos.

The Anwar-ul Islam Movement of Nigeria has called on governments and all political elites to renew their intentions, prioritise nation building and cut the cost of governance to rebuild the country.

The group noted that despite the huge palliative reeled out to people, poverty and hardship remain the lot of the populace.

Speaking during the movement’s yearly Ramadan lecture, on the topic, ‘Prevailing Economic and Security Challenges in Nigeria- Issues and the Way Forward’, the guest speaker, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Lagos State University of Education, Associate Professor Nosiru Onibon, said that government should institutionalise charity rather than giving out palliative.

“Since 1999 till today, the number of alleviation programmes the politicians and philanthropists have embarked on is enough to alleviate Nigerians from poverty but despite that, the number of poor people continues to increase.

According to him, “In 2019, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) reported that 4 out of 10 Nigerians were poor meaning 40 percent of Nigerians were poor. In 2022, report says 6.3 out of 10 Nigerians were multi-dimensionally poor, meaning 63 percent of over 200 million Nigerians were poor. Today, the number of beggars is increasing, whereas the palliative is supposed to reduce poverty.”

He mentioned that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is one of the major challenges bedeviling the economic growth of Nigeria, noting that nations that borrow money from IMF have a greater rate of poverty, unemployment and inflation.

“When I was in Malaysia, the president of our university told us that he was in the cabinet of the government for about 17 years. We asked, what is the secret of Malaysia’s development and he said, firstly we don’t collect IMF loans. All the countries that collected IMF loans are crawling except the stubborn ones. The year they came to sell IMF to Nigeria, it is not as if we don’t have enough but we accepted it out of greed.”

He added that to revamp Nigeria’s economy, the cost of governance must be reduced.

“Malaysia refused to take an IMF loan and they go prudent with what they have. There is a need for us to cut the cost of governance and the money realised should be used for the development of the country.”

Onibon urged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and all political office holders to renew their intentions to rebuild the country as this will put a smile on the face of the masses.

“The citizen should also renew their intentions. The success of this country depends on our intentions. All decisions and policies that are taken out of sincere intention, will always end in a good way. Let the leaders and followers renew their intention on the country and be disciplined. What is the essence of a constitution or a law that is not implemented, it is as good as it doesn’t exist. Unpunished behaviour is a repeated behaviour while rewarded behaviour is also repeated behaviour. The government should summon the courage to punish criminals. The kidnappers and those who embezzle our money must not go unpunished.

“Let us return to God Almighty. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We are proposing different theories to find a solution to our problem, but till today we have not seen a solution. Faith in God goes Paripaso with righteousness. Our greed is so much that led us to insanity.

He urged Nigerians to be kind to one another as this will bring prosperity to the country

“It now looks like there is no kindness on earth. ‘Help me’ messages are so rampant today because people are jobless. Even those that are working their salaries are not enough.

“Let’s prioritise the welfare of the people. If we take the little we need and leave the rest for others, it will go round. Imagine just a person squandered 85 billion which is enough to cater for a state, enough to do mechanized farming that will feed all of us. The intention behind the poverty alleviation must be renewed because the more we do it the more people swindling into poverty,” he said.

The National President, Alhaji Mubashir Ojelade, commended members of the movement for standing steadfast despite the economic crunches in the country.

“A group founded in 1960 and still in existence and the members are still committed despite the situation in the country. We all deserved commendation. I thank Almighty Allah on your behalf. May we not witness calamity in Nigeria.

“If Almighty Allah blesses you with good health, food and adequate security in this economy, you must be thankful. Don’t allow your wants and taste to be bigger than what you earn those are the things that make people steal.”


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